Weekly Update September 11th to 17th

Thursday 11th Sept

Walked to Salford Royal Hosp for out patients on my broken shoulder. Still not the easiest hospital to reach from Stretford. Could have used Metrolink but a single ticket prohibitive and by the time I’d walked to Stretford Met, changed at Cornbrook and travelled that interminable tram journey through the Quays, I may as well have walked. Arm doing ok but still not expected to use it – can’t really avoid breaching that recommendation but does mean I can’t drive or cycle, alas!

Walked from Salford Royal to Trafford Ecology Park for the opening of the renovated walkway there. The Ecology Park is Trafford’s hidden gem and I wanted to be there to celebrate Cargill’s huge contribution through their workforce in entirely ripping out the old walkway which had become unsafe and replacing it. Trafford Park industry working together. There’s never been a better time to go see the Ecology Park. I really want to see the kingfisher that fishes there. I’ve never seen one and I’d love my first sighting to be in Gorse Hill Ward.

Hitched a lift home off the Deputy Mayor in the official car. At last a perk!

Onto Sale for meeting of Shrewsbury Street Project Board. At last there’s a degree of optimism that health facilities could be included. Will mean height of main hall reduced, and won’t be suitable for basketball or badminton etc. This is causing consternation but the Old Trafford Sports Barn is nearby and whilst the cost of this is prohibitive, we should be about adding to the facilities in Old Trafford, not undercutting others. Shrewsbury Street is due to go to planning in the evening.

From Sale to Barton Clough for a Governors meeting.

Hear that Shrewsbury Street granted planning permission.

Home to prepare for next days meeting and an ice pack on the arm.

Friday 12th September

Transport for Greater Manchester

Big item on the agenda is consultation to allow dogs on trams. I’m instinctively against as are my trafford labour colleagues. Argued for consultees to include asthma and allergy societies but I think it’s going to be an uphill battle.

Northern Rail franchise also under fire. We need modern trains and increased capacity. Rather than hand-outs from the south. My support for devo-max for the north is intensifying.

Afternoon – press releases and casework

Saturday 13th September

Not yet comfortable going canvassing with arm. All it needs is an awkward gate or letterbox and I’m going to be in agony. So do some telephone canvassing for Warrington South.

Sunday 14th September

Lostock Park poppy event in the park with Stretford Brass Band

Put together ‘all member communication’ for members advertising some important dates and fringe events at conference.

Monday 15th September

All day Faith networking event at Trafford Town Hall. I attend as Locality Partnership Chair. Disappointing turn-out from Stretford/Old Trafford although packed otherwise. Lots of current issues mean that we need to work at maintaining the fabulous community spirit we have.

Tuesday 16th September

Chairs Scrutiny Meeting putting together work programme.

Chaired Old Trafford and Stretford Locality Partnership. Really positive meeting. Discussed voluntary sector grants, environmental issues, community cohesion, metrolink, neighbourhood forums.

Wednesday 17th September

Disciplinary Panel in the morning. Full Council in the evening. I’ll do a separate full report of that.

Arm is still not allowing me to get a decent night’s sleep but I am now using bike again (gently). At least I’m more mobile


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