Weed Spraying to start next week (July 6)
The annual weed spraying on the public highway across the borough is due to start on the 6th July. The programme is…
Outline Plans for B&Q site submitted
100400/OUT/20 | The demolition of existing retail unit and associated structures; erection of buildings for a mix of use including: 333 apartments…
On this Day
On this day in 1871 the Trade Union Act legalised Trade Unions.
Plans to demolish Stretford Sorting Office
100557/DEM/20 | Demolition of the Former Postal Sorting Office. (Consultation under Schedule 2, Part 11 of the Town and Country Planning (General…
Developers Appeal against planning refusal of 16 storey hotel at Warwick Road
Appeal Reference APP/Q4245/W/20/3251903 The developers have appealed against planning refusal to permit a 16 storey hotel at the corner of Warwick Road…
Trafford Centre Worries