New Park and Ride for Trafford Park Line
Parkway Circle is set for a new expanded Park and Ride Facility in Trafford Park. The original plans were for a smaller…
Sad end to ‘Up Top’ project?
Delays in the planning process seem to have kaiboshed plans to repurpose the mall’s car park for night-time events.
Covid-19 cases cause temporary closure of Dinofalls and Golf Centre
Bosses say the closure is due to the discovery of ‘some Covid-19 cases connected to the site’. This is a sign of…
Stretford Sorting Office gets go-ahead for demolition
While there are no definitive plans in place for the site, the latest draft of the Stretford Masterplan said it would provide a “mixed development…
Local Government Ombudsman Report on complaints against Trafford Council Waste Collection Service
Ombudsman calls for improvements in dealing with missed bin collections in Trafford.
Impact of Covid-19 on Council Finances reported
Adverse impact of Covid-19 on council’s finances emerging in public report to council’s executive.