Weekly Update Sunday 17th – Saturday 23rd January 2016


Morning meeting in Leyland Lancs for Strategic Scrutiny Network setting agenda for next full meeting. Just up the road from Croston badly hit by floods – puts perspective on some of our issues.

Locality Partnership in the evening. I got a lot of out of meeting and feeling energised.


Meeting at Cricket Club re Youth activities with Laurence Walsh at lunchtime. Full Council meeting in the evening. My least favourite meeting of the month and this one was particularly bad.


Scrutiny Task Group in the morning, Library Volunteering in the afternoon and Gorgeous Gorse Hill AGM in the evening. The Gorgeous Gorse Hill meeting was my highlight of the week. The inspiration for new things just keeps coming and their pinterest page is well worth looking at.


Economic Growth meeting – Trafford is blessed with some really good officers in Economic Growth and it's always a pleasure to sit with them. I'd really like them to take more account of public transport, but I'm afraid that the Conservatives see this as something not for them. I've posted the following quote before, but it's worth repeating:

An advanced city is not one where even the poor use cars, but rather one where even the rich use public transport.

Enrique Peñalosa, Former Mayor of Bogata


Two sessions of canvassing in Urmston. Reports of Labour's demise are somewhat premature.


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