Weekly Update 9th May 2011

Election over – now back to those issues

The Lostock neighbourhood is suffering a resurgance of youth nuisance. Partly it’s as a consequence of the hot weather, partly it’s due to design faults in the new development that we were well aware of before it was built, partly it’s due to an inability to fix gates. Whatever the reason, it’s taking extra police resources and causing stress to residents. The issue is being raised at neighbourhood groups and on the street. Most of the time the kids are doing nothing more than play football but the new build has provided places that are just inappropriate.

Dave Acton and myself are arranging a meeting with the Housing Trust, Police, Council, Residents and Arawak Walton


Advice Surgery – Lostock Library


Trip up to United to see car parking problems ahead of Chelsea match


Lostock Residents Association – More on the continuing problems facing the Lostock area. However all is not bad and the Lostock Inter Generational Project, young people have been running from Lostock Youth Club has been nominated for a ‘Kids Count’ award.


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