Weekly Update 28th March 2011


I can’t believe how much problems I’m having with computers at the moment. I’m hit with a perfect storm of old PC packing up, new PC failing after a week and being returned to manufacturer, Virgin Media revamping their webmail and hiding all my emails; and now the PC is returned from its maker having all the appearance of having been sat on by an elephant. What was a square is now more like a kite. A keen salesman might try to describe it as having a go-faster shape, except it is completely dead – like the parrot.

You don’t realise how much the modern councillor relies on computers until you try living without one or making do with a tiny laptop. Still life goes on, even if I’m struggling to pass on emails and updates to the wider membership (one of my roles). And I’m unable to print anything. Still that’s enough complaining.


Meeting of Gorse Hill Action Group – They are preparing for the Gorse Hill funday on 1st May. This is a double bank holiday weekend with the Royal Wedding on the Friday. They’ve collared me to be a marshall at the fun day. Glad to help

Apologies to colleagues on the shadow executive as unable to attend the council’s executive that night due to prior-commitment to Gorse Hill. The main item was the funding formula. Government cuts are going to reduce the amount going to schools. It’s an absolutely barmy decision from the government – unless we can encourage growth and creativity we’ll be entering a downward spiral of slowing economy and the debt taking up an ever bigger proportion of a reducing GDP. Schools, universities and colleges should be the last to be cut. The more this Government gets it wrong, the more stubborn Cameron, Osborne and Clegg become.

The damage that these ‘ex-special advisors’ are doing has to raise the question as to whether the public will tolerate this route to Government any longer.


Budget Day – see earlier post

Barton Bio Mass Presentation -Very interesting talk over the existing air quality around the motorway. This to me is the most powerful argument against the proposed incinerator. We’re already subjected to excessive pollution and we should be reducing that before we allow further emissions.


Greater Manchester Integrated Transport Authority Meeting

The item taking up most time was the Trans Pennine Trail between Stretford and Stockport. The Didsbury section is having to be diverted over an embankment via steps. As this is a cycling /walking route, this solution is not appropriate. The ‘Love your Bike’ group have proposed an alternative route via the banks of the Mersey and this may be feasible. The Labour councillors rightly called upon the costs of the local path on the original route to be reviewed as the report suggested £800,000 for ramps. None of us were convinced that this was the lowest cost of giving local people an accessible route through Parrs Wood. It’s too easy for costs to inflate unless there’s a will to drive them down.


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