Weekly Update 27th June 2011

Truly Deserved Tribute

Highlight of the week had to be the presentation of the Freedom of Trafford to the 207 Field Hospital (volunteer) which took place at Sale Waterside on Thursday 23rd June. The Field Hospital is based at the Barracks on Kings Road, Old Trafford so it’s a very appropriate award. Trafford doesn’t grant the freedom of the borough lightly. This is the first time in living memory that we’ve done it. I’m proud that we don’t give away such honours to talent show hopefuls or even footballers. We’re right to reserve these awards for the very best and most deserving.

That this is a special award to a special unit can not be argued. The field hospital is primarily a volunteer unit and manned by health professionals from all over Greater Manchester. It has recently been deployed to Camp Bastion in Afghanistan. The hospital that the 207 ran there was the busiest trauma unit in the world. The contribution that the hospital made to saving so many lives of servicemen and civilians is just awe inspiring.

Colonel Kerry Trow received the freedom from the Mayor, Jane Baugh and gave a presentation about the unit’s work. It was a privilege to be there to witness the event.


Over to Salford to interview aspiring candidates hoping to be selected to stand. Salford had a fantastic crop of new people. We passed every single one of them to be allowed to go forward


Council Employee Disciplinary Hearing.  One of those tasks that the public doesn’t see.

Council meeting – to confer the award of the freedom of Trafford (see above)

Lostock College Governors Meeting – A good meeting, the school continues to make good progress. Good Luck to all those taking exams. A lot of good feedback.


Put together leaflet on Stretford High / Gorse Hill Park for printing and delivery over the weekend

Freedom of Trafford appreciation- see above

Trafford Labour Local Government Committee – We got a little bit bogged down at this meeting and perhaps less progress was made than we might have hoped. It happens and thankfully is not typical. A pint in the pub afterwards was the highlight of the evening.


all day meeting of Transport for Greater Manchester Committee which included the AGM. I’ve been appointed to Capital and Projects committee, Metrolink and Rail committee and Trafford Ring and Ride steering group. The big issue is going to be High Speed 2, I’m very much in support of getting a high speed rail connection between Manchester and London. We need to shout much louder in support of this.


I’m going to be denied access to the computer over the next fortnight so updates might be more scarce in that time.



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