Somber start to week
The week began with the funeral of Steve Leathwaite. The packed church and the attendance of so many Trafford Housing Trust staff, councillors and community activists was a fitting testament to the service Steve had given over the years.
I attended a resident’s meeting in the evening called to address increasing problems in respect of the Chatsworth Crescent Play Area. Being a play area, by definition it has attracted kids and youths. As the balconies of the over 55 flats are immediately above the play area, the residents are affected by noise and nuisance from the playground below. Regularly this has resulted in the police being called whenever behaviour has got out of hand. There are real problems with the design and proximity. Insufficient attention has been paid to the layout of the play area with seats immediately below the balconies.
We argued for design alterations to move the seats and to design out football from the playground. Hopefully action can be taken to provide diversionary activities and we’ll be insisting on daily clean ups of the park.
Casework and Correspondence. Finished the mark register upload. 57;000 voters uploaded – glad to see the back of it.
Leaflet delivery in Davyhulme
Trafford Housing Trust Board – raised the issue of Lostock play area. I said it was indicative of a tendency particularly in connection with the Lostock development to make too many promises and deal with issues when it was too late.
Meeting with Theresa Grant – Corporate Director of Transformation and Resources
Items discussed included
- the reorganisation of the Access Trafford structure including libraries and contact centres to ensure we’re employing the maximum to frontline roles.
- the decanting of staff to alternative premises while the Town Hall construction is ongoing
- the operational structure of the combined payroll and staffing system with Wigan and Stockport
- Structure changes in Democratic and Legal Services
- Preparing for the elections including the AV referendum
- The Spending Challenge Consultation
Trafford Housing Trust Board AwayDay
Actually not an awayday as it was held in Sale Point; but it was a good opportunity to examine the challenges and threats facing the Trust and its capability to develop as a trust. The Conservative Government is making huge changes to the social housing sector and radically altering benefit provision at the same time.
I’m not normally a fan of away-days but this was an extremely worthwhile day.
More leafletting
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