Vote for our Champions of Lostock: No.1 Roy Jolly


Unsung Hero Awards 2011: Vote for the champions of Lostock


If something positive’s going on in Lostock then Roy Jolly will be involved.

That’s the opinion of Councillor Mike Cordingley who nominated Roy for his community work.

Roy is a member of Lostock Partnership and the current chair of Lostock Tenants and Residents Association.

He was also featured earlier this year in the Advertiser for his campaign to get the work on three unfinished roads completed after years of neglect.

Mike said: “Roy has been an active member of the general volunteering community of Trafford serving on the Trafford Partnership and other capacities. He’s still taking an interest in Lostock issues, recently campaigning for road resurfacing works in his former neighbourhood.

He’s been involved in fun days, inter-generational activities and essentially if it’s going on in Lostock, Roy will be involved in it.

“He moved to Urmston about three or four years ago but is as heavily involved in Lostock as ever.”

To Vote for Roy – Follow this link to the Advertiser Page


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