
  • Here's what Cllr @MikeCordingley thought about our improved #ManVic @northernrailorg @OfficialTfGM @MCRMetrolink — Northern Programme (@NetworkRailNP) December 18, 2015

  • [iframely][/iframely]

  • [iframely][/iframely]

  • Quite demanding training on Safeguarding at Sale West tonight. Hard work but useful from School Governor perspective. — Mike Cordingley (@MikeCordingley) January 21, 2015 Rarely political at GGH HQ but threats 2 services too serious to ignore #stopthecutstrafford reliance on volunteers like us not the answer — Gorgeous Gorse Hill (@gorse_hill) January 21, 2015

  • Think my spring clean of the blog is pretty much done. I’ve really struggled with getting it to present to older browsers. I’m throwing in the towel on that one. Even the council are upgrading.

  • Tumbleweed Quays

    Spotted this in the Quays Destination Management Plan Place making and shaping: There is a need for improved communication around balancing the positive contribution that visitors can make to the buzz and feel of the area without detracting from the fact that the MediaCityUK part of the Quays is first and foremost a business location.…