Today’s Manchester Evening News Story on the Battle to stop Trafford General Hospital being sold to private sector should surely ring alarm bells for all citizens of Trafford. We’ve all seen the shocking lowering of standards and treatment meted out at Winterbourne View, a private run hospital for adults with learning difficulties. The treatment has been described as torture.
It’s scandalous that private companies are hovering like vultures to take over Trafford General, the birthplace of the NHS. We hear that Circle Healthcare with its Hedge Fund backers are waiting to see whether the moves to have Trafford Healthcare Trust taken over by a neighbouring trust can materialise. The problem is that they would also be taking on Trafford’s £8m debt.
There is a serious threat that a private company will be the only willing provider. I’m appalled at the deafening silence emanating from Trafford’s Conservative Council. It’s shocking that Park Hospital could be handed over to these City Spivs. We have to stand up for Trafford.
Labour is leading the campaign to save Trafford General. Councillor Jo Harding is co-ordinating with Kate Green to hold a meeting on 30th June at Urmston Library (although I think this will be too small) to listen to residents and stakeholders.
Andrew Lansley should be putting a stop to any possiblity that any NHS hospital will be run by private companies. Let’s put a stop to this madness
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