The Williams’s error of judgement

Alex Williams and his wife have got themselves in bother again. They should know better. Planted question at Bolton West. If these are the tricks and deceits that they’re getting up to now, it’s really questionable behaviour that augurs badly should either of them be elected.

We’ll be keeping an eye out for more planted questions from the Conservatives in Stretford and Urmston hustings.

Mike Cordingley


  1. admin avatar

    Reply to anonymous

    We obviously don’t want to make you ill. Send me your details and I will remove you from the list of people to whom we write personally.

    Mike Cordingley

    Anonymous wrote

    I don’t appreciate your obnoxious card, personally addressed that dirtied up my doorstep recently.

    Seeing my own name printed in such close proximity to that of your disgusting party made me feel physically ill.

    Please refrain from mining people’s data from the electoral register in future it makes me want to vomit.

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