The difference we make

Social value and local spending

When we began our journey into control there was wide interest in using the council’s procurement and commissioning practices to strengthen the local economy.

I’m pleased to report significant progress.

In just one year, the share we procured locally almost trebled from 17% in 2017/18 to 49% in 2018/19. That’s an extra £22m of public money being used to support businesses and stimulate economic growth in Trafford.

Andrew Western
Labour Leader of Trafford Council

So Proud of our Progress

We prioritised local spend during my stint last year as cabinet member for finance and Chair of Star-Procurement, the service we share with Stockport, Tameside and Rochdale. I’m incredibly proud of the progress we made and particularly pay tribute to Lorraine Cox and all her staff at Star. They really turned it around very quickly. These are stunning figures.

And More to Come

Looking further ahead, I’d really like us to embrace the Fair Tax Mark proposed by the Co-operative Party (I’m a member). And yes that is Gorse Hill’s Mary Patel who is leading this.

You’re going to hear a lot more of this


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    Mike Cordingley


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