This junction was raised as an issue last Autumn. Talbot Road is these days a busy arterial route into Manchester and at peak times it’s pretty busy.
The road works much better with the improved cycling facilities but for pedestrians at Greatstone Road, there’s no accommodation made to allow safe crossing. The sequencing of the lights gives no time and it doesn’t matter how agile you are, you’re going to have to run. We’ve raised this and received the following reply. So some progress.
We’ll keep pushing.
Firstly, may I apologise for the lack of response to your e-mail of 6 November. I thought that I had picked it up but, clearly, did not.
Following traffic surveys that were carried out in May 2015, work is now underway to prepare an improvement scheme for Great Stone Road, between A56 Chester Road and Talbot Road, before applying for the necessary funds from a Section 106 contribution.
It is also proposed that the scheme include an upgrade for the traffic signals at the Great Stone Road/Talbot Road junction so as to improve facilities for pedestrians.
In the meantime, I will contact TfGM’s traffic signal engineers to ascertain if there is a possibility of making minor amendments to the signal timings, with a view to introducing longer inter-greens between phases, thereby giving pedestrians a little more time to cross the arms of the junction where there are no pedestrian facilities.
I trust this information is of assistance.
By far the most promising element is the last paragraph. The light sequencing is the biggest problem. Technically, I’m sure it’s easy-peasy but it’s amazing how long these things take. We’ll keep pressing.
Cllr Mike Cordingley
Cllr Anne Duffield
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