Tag: Tescos

  • Sports Led Regeneration of Old Trafford Cricket Ground and Environs – Open letter to Consultation and Trafford Leisure Trust

    To LCCC Consultation and Bernie Jones, Chief Executive Trafford Leisure trust
    Following attendance at the neighbourhood forum consutation event on the Old Trafford regeneration, I wanted to put into writing my concern about the absence of Trafford Leisure Trust as a key proactive partner in this project.
    The project is a key strategic development. A core driver is sports led / themed and the regeneration area is an area that includes the dilapidated Stretford Sports Centre. The following points seem self evident:
    • that the current state of Stretford Sports Centre is an embarassment and undermines the ambition of this sports led regeneration.
    • that this regeneration project is a once in a lifetime opportunity to create in partnership a creative, sustainable and integrated sports provision that sets the bar higher than could be achieved working alone.
    It is timely that the leisure trust is scheduled for its annual presentation to the Council Executive next week. I would really welcome a more explicit commitment to move to the core of this project.
    Mike Cordingley
    Councillor for Gorse Hill
    0161 865 9228
    cc: Dr Gary Pickering, Chief Exec Trafford Council
    and posted publicly on the

    First Published 19 July 2009


  • Tesco Megastore

    Tonight’s neighbourhood forum was a bit of a shock. It was arranged at short notice to discuss the cricket ground renewal. As such, residents were invited from Great Stone Road and Talbot Road nearest to the cricket ground. Gorse Hill residents from the opposite side of Chester Road will have received no notice of the meeting and clearly weren’t aware of it. This was highly inappropriate.

    Tesco’s were at this meeting (unadvertised); and disclosed for the first time the sheer scale of their ambitions for the store on Chester Road. They want a store there that is even bigger than the one at Altrincham. At 140000 sq ft, it will be huge. They have had previous applications refused here for stores sized 88,000 sq ft, but rather than come back with a reduced plan, they’ve nearly doubled its size. Clearly they feel that the cricket ground development provides an opportunity for a sympathetic hearing. The cricket club makes no secret that it needs partners financially, but other than an easy passage, it’s difficult to see what Tesco’s gain from the cricket ground.
    It’s obvious that Gorse Hill needs to aware of the scale of this proposal and that this is going to be highly controversial.We welcome your comments.

    First Published 14 July 2009 with 4 comments


  • Old Trafford Masterplan – A new look for the cricket ground and beyond

    This sports themed regeneration of the area between Chester Road and Old Trafford Cricket Ground is a hugely ambitious, complex and far-reaching project.

    The proposed component parts include:

    • A modern cricket ground with increased capacity and associated leisure / hotel facilities.
    • A new Accademy to replace Lostock College and Stretford High School
    • A large Tesco’s
    • New residential and office areas
    • A new look to the Talbot Road area

    More details are on the website.

    First published 22 March 2009 http://gorsehill-labour.blogspot.com/2009/03/old-trafford-masterplan.html