Stretford Neighbourhood Police Team – Latest Quarterly Performance

I’ve received the latest quarterly performance from Trafford’s police team. The performance from the Stretford team is particularly striking. Well done to Andy Sutcliffe and all the men and women who’ve made a real difference.


October to December 2009

October to December 2010

Percentage Change

Total crime

920 760 17


83 63 24


52 33 36

Vehicle crime

128 52 59

Serious Violent Crime

9 6 33

Anti social behaviour

701 418 40

We have reduced crime in all areas compared to last year, resulting in 160 fewer victims.

We have done a lot of work to clamp down on the use and sale of illegal drugs, which I believe is linked to other crimes such as burglary, robbery and anti-social behaviour.  For example, a person was jailed for six years in December after he was found guilty of possession of cocaine with intent to supply and possession of heroin with intent to supply.  The drugs were found in his flat when a search warrant was executed.

Antisocial behaviour has dropped by 40 per cent compared to last year.  We have done a lot of work with housing associations and Trafford Council’s asb team to evict problem tenants from their properties.  Following complaints of asb and alcohol sales to underage drinkers we also successfully opposed a convenience store when they applied to transfer the licence to another holder.  The application was unsuccessful.  This week we also became the first area in GMP to successfully apply for a section 160 order.  This will prevent all alcohol sales in a designated area around of Old Trafford ahead of the weekend’s FA Cup fixture against Liverpool.

Vehicle crime has dropped by 59 per cent and this is, in part, due to our high visibility and plain clothed patrols in hot spot areas, in particular on Manchester United match days when the volume of parked vehicles in the area increases significantly.

Inspector Andrew Sutcliffe Stretford Neighbourhood Police Team


The below table shows the percentage of the total number crimes detected across the Trafford division between October and December 2010 along with a percentage difference when compared the corresponding quarter in 2009.

The Division has the best overall detection rate of all 12 areas of GMP, which is an excellent achievement given that the division had the worst overall detection rate 12 months ago.


October to December 2009

October to December 2010

Percentage Change

Total crime

24.3% 33%



19.6% 36%



21.6% 13.6% 8

Vehicle crime

15.2% 10.6%


Serious Violent Crime





  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mike Cordingley, Mike Cordingley. Mike Cordingley said: Stretford Neighbourhood Police Team – Latest Quarterly Performance « Gorse Hill Labour – […]

  2. maurice cullen avatar
    maurice cullen

    Could it not be that some of the criminals are moving around from area to area(beyond tr afford) like a farmer does with fields over a time period leaving 1 field barren( due to a visible police presence and other factors) which then gives a distorted image because the figures are relevant to a particular area.This also can only cover crimes detected. So we do not know the true scale of crime in the area. I am not taking anything away from the good work police officers do by these queries but measuring this against undetected crime if it were possible might suggest performance has fallen or not.Confidence in reporting crime by the public must figure in this and protection against criminal intimidation. Also police authorities MOVE ALONG approach to certain offenders(so they go somewhere else to commit crime). This is like dumping junk in a neighbors area.Bad Practice.Also most people know that criminals are multi-tasking,deceiving,lying fantasists’ who can come in all shapes and sizes.So if you tail security vans with police vehicles presenting a presence,Won’t the robbers turn to something else?

    1. MikeCordingley avatar

      Hi Maurice,
      In these things, everything is coloured by one’s own experiences. There’s no question in my mind that Stretford Neighbourhood Police Team under the stewardship of Insp Sutcliffe has undergone a transformation over the past few years. The mantra now is “Tell us about the problems in your area and we’ll deal with it” and the effect on the relationship between community and police has in my view improved beyond all expectation. Lot’s of things have contributed to this (I have a huge amount of time for the PCSOs who have served Gorse Hill and Lostock.
      And to be fair, it hasn’t always been this way. I can remember public meetings with huge concerns over anti-social behaviour and the response was always, “This is atypical and a blip and we’ve got to deal with bigger things”. I never see that response any longer and instead the police on the ground are asking for our perception of problem areas.
      On detection rates, there’s been an incredible improvement and Trafford has jumped from bottom place in Greater Manchester to one of the best.
      I have to tell it as I see it; there’s no political advantage to me singing the praises of the police, but I really think they’ve made a remarkable turnaround locally over the past few years.
      Mike Cordingley

  3. Debbie avatar

    I cannot tell you enough how much a difference the local pcso’s have made. I virtually know them all by name. They have relentlesly purged my local area of anti social behaviour, youths hanging around, drug dealing and gangs!

    They identify problems, target them and persistently work on them until they are gone. I have never known such a dedicated team who genuinley care, understand, and work together to get the job done.

    They are worth their weight in gold!

    This area went really bad a few years ago, but they have reclaimed these streets and that took courage, hard work and guts. If anyone is unhappy with something, instead of moaning, tell them and give them the information to deal with it. It worked for me!

    Good Luck !

  4. MikeCordingley avatar

    I couldn’t agree with you more. The PCSOs have been brilliant.
    I will pass on your comments to the Inspector.
    Mike Cordingley

  5. David Allen avatar
    David Allen

    Nice to see the figures, shame they don’t reflect reality. As a local resident I constantly stumble upon drug dealing going on out in broad daylight, out in the open. The Bishops Blaze pub has to be one of the busiest places in stretford yet dealers can park up outside and send runners in and out without any problems, the space outside stinks of weed, po po must be visually challenged.
    The conversion of Gorse Hill into a privately owned council estate has brought in a breed of bone idle, neanderthal, parasite that multiply like vermin!

  6. MikeCordingley avatar

    Thanks for your comments David. I’ll ensure that they’re fed back.

    1. Mike Cordingley avatar

      Hi David,
      I’ve been in touch with the police. They’ve given the following response:

      “I have tasked officers to patrol the area at various times of day and can find no evidence of drug taking or selling. It will remain on our radar but there have been no other reports to police of drug issues around this area.”

      I know it’s not going to be the answer you’re looking for but I can only ask them to keep an eye on things there. They’ve responded positively and put additional resources in. I suspect the problem has moved on but they’ll continue to keep it on their radar. I do think policing has improved enormously over the last four or five years and I really do complement Inspector Sutcliffe and his officers.
      Mike Cordingley

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