Stretford Neighbourhood Police Team – Commentary on January Performance from Insp Sutcliffe

Dear All,

It’s February already and it only seems a couple of weeks ago that we were in the middle of the Christmas festivities!!!!

January has been and gone and with it, a little bit of a mixed bag in relation to crime within the area. The vast majority of crimes are showing reductions but rather than give you lots of percentages, I thought that on this occasion, I would let you know just how many key crimes had occurred in January, compared to the same period in the previous year.

Personal Robberies increased from a very low figure of 3 last year, to 6 this January. The majority of these have involved bags/mobile phones being snatched from people as they have been walking along the road. The level of violence used during these offences has been minimal but I will endeavour to ensure that we continue to identify patterns/locations where these are occurring and deploy staff accordingly.

Burglaries have reduced from 29 to 25 offences this January and whilst only a small reduction, when you go back even further to January 2009 when we suffered 34 burglaries – you will clearly see that we are definitely moving in the right direction with the one offence that the public really fear.

Vehicle crime continues to fall, Theft of motor vehicles reduced from 9 to 4 with a big drop in Theft from motor vehicles from 16 to 3 and when you consider the number of vehicles that regularly visit the area for the football matches, these figures are all the more remarkable.

Criminal Damage offences are also showing encouraging reductions from 45 to 39 and again, if you go back to January 2009 when we had 66 offences of Damage recorded, I am sure that you will agree that the trend is encouraging.

Finally and perhaps one of the reasons that we are showing reductions in the majority of crime categories, is the massive reduction in reports of ASB with 217 being recorded last January compared with 126 this January. This is by no means a fluke. I am convinced that all the partnership work that is being undertaken is starting to pay dividends, Operation Stay Safe on selected key dates, the Kickz football project, Y Street at places such as Gorse Hill Studios, enforcement at problem licensed premises and numerous ABC contracts have all contributed to the ASB reduction which in turn impacts on other crimes.

As usual, I will be in touch with any noteworthy incidents/information over the coming month but if you need to speak in the meantime, feel free to give me a call.



Inspector Andy Sutcliffe
Stretford Neighbourhood Policing Team
M Division – Trafford
Greater Manchester Police


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