Still no joy on Humphrey Park subway

Reply from Network Rail

“The details you provided were passed to our maintenance supervisor who has advised that a team will be in the area within the next 5-7 weeks and at this time, they will assess the site to understand what work needs to take place.

Due to current circumstances, our main priority is keeping the railway running for key workers and freight which means smaller jobs such as graffiti and fly tipping aren’t being prioritised like they usually would.

This being said, once the team have established the level of graffiti, the clearance will be added to their work bank to take place when resource is available.

It may also be worth raising this issue with Trafford Council to see what they can do to assist with the problem. If they contact us directly, I’ll be able to forward this on to the necessary team so the 2 parties (as well as Northern) can look at what options are available.”

Next Steps

I think it is worth talking to Trafford officers. There’s no question the subway badly needs investment. I’d really like to see it on the Bee Network schedule for walking and cycling investment. It’s not really been taken up by the local cycling forum, presumably because it’s seen as primarily a walking route. Somehow we’ve got to squeeze it onto the programme. The obvious solution is replacing the steps with a much longer gradient on both sides. This would actually make the station wheel chair accessible too.

So I’m inclined to pursue once Christmas is out of the way.


3 responses to “Still no joy on Humphrey Park subway”

  1. Noelle Ryder avatar
    Noelle Ryder

    Thanks Mike look forward to seeing how this progresses

  2. Caz avatar

    Hi Mike,

    Is there anything we can do to help this along? I live on Chatsworth road and use the train regularly and I hate the state of the station. It could be lovely! But it’s the opposite. In the winter, or late evenings, as a woman, walking under that bridge is actually terrifying. In the day light, it’s just sad.

    Can we as residents start a petition, or push for the council to actually do something about it? We can crowdfund for money for plants and flowers too to make it nicer etc?

    A big problem is people hanging out on the station in the evenings, not their fault, there is no where else to go, but it does increase the broken glass and litter, there’s no cameras so…….

    I’d love to see this sorted out and I know EVERYONE on my whole street would too.

    1. MikeCordingley avatar

      Hi Caz,
      Thanks for your commment. I totally agree with you. There’s a number of options. Have a look at this webpage on the Northern Rail site.
      It might be a useful first step just to have some sort of liaison with Northern Rail. I think there’s a really strong argument too for the state of the subway. I’m very much a local and we used to call it the ‘Thunder Tunnel’. There was no station in those days but it’s never been good. I’d love to see it upgraded. It’s horrible for people with prams. Perhaps, forming a group around adoption so we’re really in position to back any petition. I think we’d be petitioning the council although it’s very mixed up there.


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