Raglan Road pt2

I’ve received the following reply from Trafford regarding the state of the road surface. Whilst acknowledging the unsatisfactory appearance of the road, the road has not yet risen to the top of the schedule.

Dear Cllr Cordingley
I refer to your recent inquiry concerning the surface condition of the Raglan Road, and apologise for the delay in replying.

It is obvious that the carriageway has a number of areas that require substantial actions and I understand that some of these patches have now been repaired. It would appear that Raglan Road has not previously been identified as requiring inclusion in the current year’s Structural Maintenance Programme because the majority of the concrete surface is structurally sound, whilst there are very poor isolated areas of re-instatements in bituminous materials that have failed and therefore do not look particularly attractive. It is this general condition that has meant that Raglan has not previously been prioritised whilst other adjacent streets have.
We will however continue to monitor the situation, and I will speak to my colleagues in the Operation Services division and ask that, in the short-term, they undertake more extensive patching of the poor areas of re-instatements.
I will also arrange to have the road inspected with a view to see if it would warrant inclusion as a priority in next year’s programme. We will take into account the point you make regarding the cul de sac being use as a cut through for cyclists to Kellogg’s and Trafford park

I trust that this is satisfactory to you at the present time, but should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me again.

Peter Townsend

I have written to my neighbours on Raglan Road with the letter linked here.


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