Question to Council 17th September 2014


I asked a question regarding wheelie bin thefts by ward.

Since April 2013

630 bins have been reported lost/stolen in Gorse Hill Ward

620 bins in Clifford (Old Trafford)

286 bins in Bucklow/St Martins (Partington/Ashton upon Mersey)

The grand total for the 21 wards of Trafford is 2395
So Gorse Hill and Old Trafford accounts for 52% of all Trafford’s bin thefts.

The council knows of no recovered bins.

Clearly if these bins are still in circulation here, our bin men are emptying 1250 more bins in Old Trafford and Gorse Hill than there are households and the council is doing nothing about it.

In reality they’re not in circulation and if the council gets enough £25 fees for replacing they’re not too worried.

But the regularity with which these bins are stolen and the sheer inconvenience faced by residents when it happens makes this a very pressing issue for me. I don’t want to see a slight reduction in bin thefts, I want it reducing in Gorse Hill so that it becomes a very rare thing.

It seems hardly any work has been done to understand why Gorse Hill is suffering to such an extent. Given that the other blight we’re suffering is the dumping of mattresses, my inclination is to put the letting agencies and their contractors under the initial spotlight. Both Clifford and Gorse Hill have the high numbers of such lettings so lets begin there. I’ve written the email below to council officers to look at correlation and means of engagement.

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Bin Thefts by dinosaurbloo


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