Scoping Stretford Mall

The developers for Stretford Mall and Lacy Street, Trafford Bruntwood, have submitted a scoping report request.

The nature of the development in our town centre makes it a requirement to submit an Environmental Impact Assessment with the planning application.

This scoping request is a preliminary exercise to tease out the subject matter that will need to be included within the Environmental Impact Assessment.

Whilst a scoping request is not particularly noteworthy in itself, the description submitted in terms of the plan for Stretford is exciting:

  • Demolition of selected buildings on site;
  • Up to 800 residential dwellings (Use Class C3);
  • Up to 13,000sqm mixed retail and commercial uses(Use Class E);
  • Up to 2,800 sqm public house / drinking establishment / Takeaways / Theatres / Cinemas / Cafes (Sui Generis);
  • Up to 720 sqm of learning and non-learning institutions (Use Class F1);
  • Up to 2400 sqm for local community uses (Use Class F2)
  • Public realm;
  • Landscaping; and
  • Associated infrastructure.


2 responses to “Scoping Stretford Mall”

  1. A Raby avatar
    A Raby

    As long as it included getting rid of the precinct which is an eyesore the plans will be great. Also knock down the old Esoldo and the row of shops / flats that run from Chester Road to the tram stop. Total eyesore.

  2. Maureen Reilly avatar
    Maureen Reilly

    This sounds good, and should attract new businesses to the area. An open parade of shops is so much nicer than enclosed shopping malls. Additional homes is very welcome and hopefully will include a mix of some to rent or buy. The addition of places to eat out, meet family and friends and relax will be a good asset to Stretford.

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