Plans submitted for Gorse Hill Pub Extension and underground car park

Stop Press: Plans withdrawn 30th November 2021

Quite an unexpected planning application. The plans involve taking out the current rear extension and using that space with the car park for additional apartments. There’s not a huge amount of detail as at this stage the plans are just in outline but it does entail three levels of underground car park accessed from a lift.

The above picture gives a cross section from the side with the new area shown in darker grey. The planning application reference is 105261/OUT/21.

Close of consultation is this Friday 29th October.


7 responses to “Plans submitted for Gorse Hill Pub Extension and underground car park”

  1. Karl monks avatar
    Karl monks

    We do not want this on Gorse Street and will not bring anything to area but trouble

  2. Tracey Haworth avatar
    Tracey Haworth

    I think this is a great use of the space. is not an overflow residents car park. 2. It may put a stop to the takeaways on the front attracting undesirable clientele (drug dealers) in the early hours of the morning from conducting & maybe preventing the unseen deals in that car park. If access is prevented from the A56 onto the car park & beyond, the visibity of what goes on may remain at the front.
    3. Slightly concerned about the type of housing, is it for locals or a hostel or asylum seekers..are the landlords going to be socially responsible…many residents raise families in the area.

  3. Sally-Ann Glover avatar
    Sally-Ann Glover

    More boxes squashed into a space. Just stop building on every square inch of land.

  4. MikeCordingley avatar

    Make sure you submit your comments to the planners. They will not be taken into consideration if they’re just sent to this blog.

  5. Steve avatar

    Another piss pot idea, the council will love it.

  6. Tony Jones avatar
    Tony Jones

    I live on Gorse St and a member of the local Labour party and I have only just seen this planning application. The public consultation in my opinion is zero what a disgrace parking is bad enough with the doctors surgery and shops. Three stories of car park for cash fiddles on match days not for me thanks

  7. Mike Bone avatar
    Mike Bone

    Just seen this, so was not aware of the ‘short’ consultation period involved. This will cast all properties with back gardens from 21 Gorse street in complete shade and obvious issues with being over looked on 3 sides. What quality of life is that for residents?

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