Library move update

We had a constructive meeting today to discuss the pending move of the library into the Mall. I think the majority accepted there was work to be done to bring the community along.

Key Points:

  • Now recognised Bonmarché is too small and other options in the Mall will be pursued (Not Tesco)
  • Groups will be consulted
  • The one 7pm late closing is not feasible within the Mall. Possible additional 6pm closing to maintain hours. Groups that currently utilise the Thursday 7pm closing will need to be consulted to better understand their requirements.
  • Opportunities to do things differently in the Mall will be embraced. Willing to listen.
  • Shelving will be on wheels to provide more flexibility.

There’ll be a much more in-depth consultation regarding the final location in the bespoke premises, but please keep coming with your input on this move. We need to make this the best it can be.


One response to “Library move update”

  1. Christine Barry avatar
    Christine Barry

    Happy to hear another option for the move is being considered as Stretford deserves a library as good as those in other areas . We do not want to lose any of the groups currently operating in present premises . We value the knowledgable and friendly staff , stock and facilities and wish to retain them .

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