Trafford Council is inviting private landlords to take part in its virtual forum.
The virtual Trafford Private Landlords Forum will take place via Zoom and is an ideal platform for private landlords to be provided with updates and new legislation relating to the private rented sector.
The next forum will be held on May 18, 2021, at 6.30pm and those wishing to join the event, please register by clicking on the Zoom page.
Speakers include Robert Johnson, from the National Residential Landlords Association, who will update on changes to landlord legislation and Covid-19 implications and Matt Shaw, from Altrincham Plumbing Experts, will provide a short presentation on Gas Safety.
Richard Firth, Private Sector Housing Team Leader at Trafford Council, will provide landlords with an update on: electrical safety, energy efficiency requirements, GM Ethical Lettings Agency and GM Good Landlord Scheme.
A spokesperson for Trafford Council said: “The Council would like to invite as many private landlords as possible to take part in the forum. They are an excellent platform for updating landlords on issues and legislation regarding the housing and lettings sector. Landlords will find the forum interesting and informative and will take away information that is important to both themselves and their clients.â€
For more information on the Trafford Private Landlords Forum please email
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