By planning standards this was a hard-hitting report.
The principle of the demolition of the existing buildings and their replacement with residential development was considered acceptable.
However, for reasons set out in full later in the report, the assessment of the scheme against NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework) policies relating to heritage ‘provides a clear reason for refusing the development’.
There were also other issues which weighed against the proposal relating to:
- the design,
- siting,
- scale,
- massing and bulk of the development,
- the lack of good quality amenity space
- and the lack of parking provision
The report also drew the members attention to the fact that most of the dwellings would not meet the nationally described space standards so the poor level of amenity was exacerbated and also indicated an overdevelopment of the site.
The proposal was for 57 apartments in an ‘L’ shaped block with a five storey frontage to Chester Road adjacent to the Gorse Hill Park gates on the site of the Greatstone Hotel.
Planning committee unanimously supported the officers’ report and refused permission on the submitted plans.

Councillor Mike Cordingley is a member of the planning committeee
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