A special meeting of Trafford Council’s executive is meet on Monday 5th July to take the decision to close Lostock College and Stretford High School to enable the opening of an Academy at Stretford High (subject to the funding remaining in place)
The report CLICK Here for full report
Details of the meeting:
Time: 6:00pm (members of the public are advised to arrive in good time as there’s a possibility that places will be limited)
Date: Monday 5th July
Place: Trafford Town Hall (notice indicates council chamber) – Public Access is from the entrance on the Warwick Road Side of the town hall
The opportunity to speak at Executive meetings is carefully controlled by the ruling Conservatives and they apply a rule that only one speaker is allowed from each political (non Conservative) party. It’s likely they will apply a similar ruling to members of the public and restrict speakers.
This is a very important decision and will shape educational access in the Stretford area for years to come. It’s clear that in totality they will have diminished the school buildings and facilities across the two sites in favour of modern but cramped accommodation at the Stretford High site.
The argument is that within these modern but cramped conditions a better quality of education can be provided. Many parents at both schools are sceptical of this; both schools are already delivering quality according to Ofsted.
At the same time that the Stretford High site is expanding its capacity, it is having to shed school fields to Tesco. This aspect taints the whole plan and undermines any claim by the council that improving provision is at the heart of the decision. The enlarged Academy should inherit its full complement of land and facilities from the smaller Stretford High School that precedes it.
The eventual loss of the Lostock site to the greater Academy is another kick to improved provision. The performing arts studios and facilities at Lostock are the envy of most schools and the consequence of much needed investment.
So Monday’s decision will be a bitter pill to swallow and we will want to continue to fight to ensure the best possible outcomes and facilities for our area’s children.
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