Local Trains for Local People and Local Growth

I was really pleased to see this press release from the Local Government Association.

Councils back call for greater involvement in railways

LGA Media Release – 23 May 2011

Responding to the McNulty report’s call for local authorities to have more involvement in rail franchises, Cllr Peter Box, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Economy and Transport Board, said:
“The LGA has consistently campaigned for greater involvement of councils in decisions about the new rail franchises and it is very pleasing to see this sensible and necessary reform recommended by the McNulty report. We hope the Government will now put this recommendation into action.

“The report recognises that many of the problems with our rail network arise from decisions being taken centrally without the engagement of the passengers, residents and businesses, who will be affected by them most.

“If we are to have a railway that is fit for the future, we need it to operate more efficiently, we need to target investment to where it is most needed and we need to find new ways of raising that investment. More local accountability, and a stronger role for councils, is crucial to all three.”


1 The McNulty report on the future of railways recommends: “greater localism with more involvement in England of local authorities and/or PTEs, with local decision-making brought more closely together with budget responsibility and accountability.”

2 The independent report was commissioned by the Transport Secretary to examine opportunities to improve the value for money of GB rail for taxpayers, passengers and freight customers. The full report can be found here: Realising the potential for Rail

We don’t get the local service we need along our railway and that hinders our town centres and employment. The obvious advantage of bringing Trafford into franchise talks is ‘What are you going to provide locally?” question


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