Labour Group’s Barton Biomass Submission

To Simon Castle, Trafford’s Chief Planning Officer

Dear Simon

With the exception of the Labour Planning Committee Members who are not allowed to pre – judge planning applications, I wish to object on behalf of the Labour Group to the above planning application for the following reasons :-

  • The biomass renewable energy plant process is a relative new process and there are real fears amongst the local community and the wider public concerning the health risks of such a plant being proposed on the doorstep of a highly populated area. The toxic emissions from the plant has the potential to damage peoples health, particularly the young, elderly and those that suffer with existing health problems. This type of renewable plant is controversial, and there appears to be  considerable evidence from scientists and experts who warn against the health impact and dangers of such plants.
  • The continuous daily heavy lorry journeys to and from the plant will create considerable extra traffic congestion in an area which already suffers severe congestion. This extra traffic will further add to the significant air pollution which already exists in the locality, and will create further disruption, noise and inconvenience to people living close to the plant.

  • I understand there are other Energy Plants in Trafford  which have recently been given planning permission. We therefore believe Trafford has enough power plants with permission to develop, and one more will result in adding to the adverse environment affect of power stations in the Trafford area.

  • We also consider that this area suffers already with significant environmental problems which exist by the fact situated nearby is Trafford Park Industrial Estate, the Trafford Centre, Davyhulme Sewage Works, Trafford Retail Park and Chemical Manufacturers on the doorstep. It is our view that this is one development to much for the area.

Dave Acton


  1. david edwards avatar
    david edwards

    I sent this email to Kate before christmas to which she kindly replied giving her position on the matter. With 21st Century technology and I’m sure use of the MSCanal surely this would be a cleaner system with a longer future?

    To: GREEN, Kate
    Subject: Barton

    Hello Kate,
    I would like to contact Freda Mottley [Standing up for Flixton missive]over the Barton Renewable Power Plant but would rather use email than phone. Is it possible to do this?

    I am sad to see Labour so negative over what looks like a good alternative electricity supply system. I mean if one such plant can meet the needs of 37,000 homes let’s do it. That would equate to ~120,000 people which is wonderful. Without going into details with you, I feel that the existing power supply methods are woefully more polluting than a tailer-made, modern, new one.

    As a labour voter since 1957 I am truly disappointed with your negativity. I think if Labour were in power they would have embraced it – certainly Harold Wilson [my hero for starting the OU] and his statement about the ‘white hot technological revolution’. I lived through it but it is only in the past 10
    years it has begun. Solar, wind, sea and now (fanfare) Renewable Power Stations. If we listened to the NIMBY’s we would still be in caves.
    David Edwards

  2. Cassie avatar

    I cannot believe that you agree to the incinerator, you don’t seem to undertand the health risks with these sort of incinerators, well why don’t you get some information on this matter like I have and I for one voted against this like the thousands of other people in the area. As for the elecricity to homes in the area then you are mistaken because it won’t go to the homes in this area, it will go straight back to national grid were Peel Energy will buy it back to power the blot on the landscape ie.the Trafford Centre.

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