(emailed update from Insp Sutcliffe from Stretford’s Neighbourhood Team – passed on for information)
Dear All
We are working with you to identify and tackle the issues that matter to you the most.
You told us drug dealing was an issue in and around the Lostock area of Stretford.
We responded by increasing our patrols in the area and by gathering information from local people.
This morning, officers from your local Neighbourhood Policing Team, supported by Divisional Officers have executed a drugs warrant at an address on Ripon Road, Stretford. During the search, a quantity of what we believe is Class A & B Controlled Drugs, a substantial amount of cash and CS Spray were recovered. There are presently 3 people in custody at Stretford Police Station helping us with our enquiries.
Everyone has the right to have a say in how their area is policed and we would like to hear from you in one of our community meetings.
The next community meeting is taking place on 29th November 2010 between 6pm-8pm at St Matthews Church, Stretford.
If you are unable to attend our community meetings you can visit our website www.gmp.police.uk, and fill out a short questionnaire online to let us know about the matters that concern you the most.
If you have a policing issue in your area or wish to speak to an officer please contact the Stretford Neighbourhood Policing Team on 0161 856 7655 or email stretford.area@gmp.police.uk
For non-emergency calls or to report a crime call 0161 872 5050 or for more information visit gmp.police.uk. Only call 999 in an emergency where there is a threat to life or crime in progress. You can also call anonymously with information about crime to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
We are committed to providing you with the best possible service and making your
area a safer place to live.
Inspector Andy Sutcliffe
Stretford NPT
Email Sent from Greater Manchester Police
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