Category: Weekly Updates
Weekly Update November 10th-16th
In which the week begins in sombre reflection of wasteful sacrifice and goes downhill from there, only to end on a really positive note with a hint of what might come to pass if we put our minds to it.
Weekly update – October 20 2018
Had a week off so shouldn’t be a great deal to report. However it was budget executive which meant I had to break away from decorating for a day to prepare my presentation on Monday night. The annual Autumn Budget executive is the first publish of a process that begins much earlier to determine income…
Trafford Council Budget Meeting
Trafford Council’s Budget Meeting 2016 The most important council meeting of the year. It’s by far the most unpleasant meeting of the year too. I don’t need a reminder that we in Labour failed to convince voters we should gain control in Trafford last year, but fail we did; and this, the consequence, a Tory…
Weekly Update Sunday 17th – Saturday 23rd January 2016
Tuesday Morning meeting in Leyland Lancs for Strategic Scrutiny Network setting agenda for next full meeting. Just up the road from Croston badly hit by floods – puts perspective on some of our issues. Locality Partnership in the evening. I got a lot of out of meeting and feeling energised. Wednesday Meeting at Cricket Club…
Weekly Update 13th December 2015
Sunday 13th December Last Opening of Gorse Hill Hotel. Attend meeting of residents concerned at the loss of a pub that's been a fixture through two world wars and 100 years of Gorse Hill. Very linked to Manchester United, it's seen bad times before, but it's owners Greene King have had enough and the pub has…
Weekly update -7th November 2015 –
A busy week of planning wins and controversial decisions against dogs on trams