Category: Weekly Updates

  • Climate Emergency Committee

    Climate Emergency Committee

    Meeting Monday 24th June

    Timely that we just met on the same day (Monday) that Andy Burnham was announcing radical improvements to Manchester’s public transport.

    It’s obvious we all have a stake in the our environment and no one wants to see our green and pleasant land turned to dust. It’s so good that we have cross-party involvement. I think it’s going to be a worthwhile committee.

    Clearly there are global aspects to reducing greenhouse gas emissions but putting our own house in order is never a bad place to start and it has to begin at the local.

    We agreed last night that we’re going to want to benchmark our energy consumption as a council. I’m quite keen we go a lot further. The Royal Family seems able to measure its carbon footprint, as can Tesco. I think Trafford can too! We’ll see how that conversation resolves itself.

    One of the interesting conundrums we’ll face is whether to measure only that which comes under Trafford’s control. I believe that climate change is a matter for all of us, not just a data collector hidden away somewhere. We should even be capturing data on emissions from commuting. It’s been done elsewhere and it helps everyone appreciate the full extent of the impact we make in our working lives. It’d be quite fascinating to see the carbon footprint of councillors – I think we can make significant percentage reductions in greenhouse gas emissions here.

    We also need to consider the extent to which we can guide via the planning process reducing the carbon footprint on new development. I don’t think we’ve progressed as much as we predicted in the 1980s. There was a television series on Granada back then called House for the Future and we genuinely expected homes to be self-sufficient in energy use and far more sustainable that has transpired.

    Whilst the House for the Future template might have derailed, there has been progress in design standards abroad and Councillor Jerome has been quite keen to promote Passivhaus design to the committee. The carbon footprint of these is so much lower than a standard build. We need to be recommending quite a shift in our planning expectations. The extent to which this can be implemented locally will be something we want to test.

    We’ve also had time to look at some smaller scale projects:

    Both of these groups are relatively small but are collectively generating green energy locally using communal assets.

    We also talked about District Heating schemes and some suggestion that Trafford Park could offer heat sources. Not so sure myself. Tend to find that the big heat producers recycle that heat to the nth degree themselves. There was a proposal for the incinerator at Barton to be supplying heat for the housing development being built alongside it. Councillor Carey is going to talk to the power station at Carrington, so we’ll give it a chance.

  • End of May 2019 – an update on 14 days

    End of May 2019 – an update on 14 days

    An update of the past fortnight

    Lovely afternoon with Laurence Walsh and his family and then onto the Euro count…!

    The Euro results don’t look any better two weeks later. Within weeks of taking control in Trafford and Jeremy Corbyn anointing us as the the campaign backdrop his Leader’s response , we slip to third. More importantly we’ve given easy passage to an overnight Lib Dem recovery.

    Meetings attended

    • Street Audit (cycling) bit disappointing – more of a cheat sheet than a street audit, but the Chorlton town centre work looks fabulous. I do hope Manchester goes ahead with it.
    • Gorse Hill Ward meet with Chief Executive, Sara Todd. The big focus from the three councillors was Manchester United – largely because United haven’t exactly engaged at a local level but they’re beginning to talk at a strategic level.
      Early days, but United’s new chief operating officer is Collette Roche has a strong reputation forged at Manchester Airport. That background suggests someone well used to having to carve good community relations.

      Collette Roche – United’s new chief

      I speak as a City fan but I think it’s fair to say that the Manchester United off-pitch operation looks terribly dated. Our complaints as ward councillors are the urination, littering and parking issues (including the illegal organised stuff) that we all know about.
      These issues may be local but they can’t be good for United’s global image. It’s got to be in the club’s business interest to bring the off-pitch match day experience up to global standards.
      Let’s see how that goes.

    Other meetings

    • Road Safety meeting regarding Winchester Road – St Hugh of Lincoln – options discussed
    • Match Day management meeting – raised the issue of rats, litter bins at bus stops, and the illegal removal/defacing of parking restriction signs.
    • Labour Group meeting
    • Task and Finish Group on Climate Emergency and carbon reduction – This was my first meeting of this group although it’s been going for 6 months.
      Really keen to get up to speed on this. It may be that the subject matter is too big for scrutiny. We will need to do interim reports as we’re not going to solve the conundrum but we can be recommending implementing small things as we go.
    • School Pupil Disciplinary Panel
    • Walkabout in Trafford Park with the Environmental Team and Amey (who didn’t show)
      These are regular walkabouts so I rewalked areas I’d walked 18 months ago. No improvement, in fact things are much worse. I don’t see any impact whatsoever.

      Nila's Burmese Cafe Trafford Park Village
      Trafford Park Hotel

      Trafford Park Village Shops look actually to be thriving and it’s great to see a lovely looking Burmese Cafe but the grounds maintenance is simply not happening. The Trafford Park Hotel is being criminally neglected in my view and it is such a shame. So a few action points arising.


    • Sevenways is never out of my inbox these days but it has slowed the traffic down there unlike…
    • Park Road – Davyhulme Road speeding – continuing to pursue remedy
    • Houses of Multiple Occupation – ongoing
    • Gorse Hill Medical Practice – the inadequate rating has been confirmed and we’re waiting a comprehensive communication process to assist patients.
    • Trafford Park Village – parking issues and clearance
    • Pursuing bins on Chester Road at Taylors Road bus stops and replacement bin at Lidl – rats are getting through holes at bottom.
    • Cenotaph – Amey have been to strim the weeds back. They’re going to replant flower beds in next couple of weeks. Paving weeds are going to be an increasing problem as glyphosate is withdrawn and we need a dialogue over expectations.
  • Swings and Roundabouts – May 2019

    Swings and Roundabouts – May 2019

    Weekly update

    • Vandalism at Nansen Park. Quickly repaired and restored by One Trafford. Email complementing work sent to the team.
    • BT Telephone Box at Lostock Circle reported as vandalised. Cleaned and repaired now. Good work by BT
    • Publicised closure of Lostock Circle post office. Will chase if not resolved quickly
    • Continued to try to pull together a co-ordinated response on lack of adequate CAMHS (childrens mental health) service for schools. The Old Trafford primary school at which I’m a governor is really worried that vulnerable children might be missing access to the mental health support they need. Schools buy in CAMHS support independently from the community health provider Pennine Care but it seems that there are currently resource failings.
    • Wrote to the South Manchester Coroner to request that I be included in the distribution of the report she’s writing on lessons learned regarding the death of Sophie Louise Smith at the Trafford Park car cruise ‘event’. Speeding and racing within Trafford Park and its bordering residential areas continues to be a problem.
    • Emailed GMP Traffic Police to explore replicating Manchester’s Community Speed Monitoring initiative that Cllr Angeliki Stogia has led. Obviously permanent speed cameras are more effective but there are places where speeding is widespread but the numbers don’t support a permanent solution.
    • Complained that an alleyway had been left in a mess following bin collection. Resolved.
    • Reported gulleys for drain-cleaning on Kendal Road.
    • Wrote to constituent advising of the path to pursue when suffering from vibrations arising from road. Complemented the Access Trafford operative who advised me.
    • Wrote to planning to try to ensure that existing national cycling routes are respected in dealing with Manchester United’s planning application for enhanced security on Sir Matt Busby Way.
    • Liaised with Lostock Partnership over the planning application for a 12 place SEN nursery to be included within the new Orchards School.

      Big congratulations to Maureen Reilly attending the Royal Garden Party
    • Chased information on Manchester United/Trafford Council emerging masterplan. We’re seeing Chief Exec on Thursday but would be good to learn more before we meet.
    • Pursued tidy up and TLC for Stretford Cenotaph


    Cycle Forum Meeting on Mersey Valley – Looked at current and aspirational changes. I love the newly improved Ashton upon Mersey link. It’s advertised as Urmston to Ashton but given it uses the existing Trans Pennine Way bridge over the Mersey it’s good for anyone walking or cycling from Stretford over to Ashton Village centre. It used to be a quagmire – now highly recommended. The actual meeting was only 4 or 5 cyclists plus officers but still got bogged down on the proposed Jackson’s Boat bridge. I’m staying out of that one – it’s Manchester’s and it’s not my priority given they’re forced to keep the current bridge as well. I’d prefer bridges in new places rather than duplicating existing.

    Annual Council – A lovely meeting with more tears than a Theresa May resignation. Great to see my colleague Laurence Walsh and Rachel installed as Deputy Mayor and Mayoress.

    Rachel and Laurence Walsh

    Euro Elections

    Never felt less engaged with a Labour campaign. What is Labour’s policy? I can tell you what it is but I know that as soon as you examine it closely, it crumbles in the hand to dust.

    Labour’s policy respects the result of the referendum but we will not support a Tory deal. Labour wants a General Election and presumably Labour, if it won that General Election, it follows that we would negotiate our exit from the EU. We don’t know whether this exit would be subject to a confirmatory vote but it’s hard to see how it would be resisted. You’d have to assume it would want to win any confirmatory vote.

    I would vote remain in any second referendum. And the majority of Labour members AND LABOUR VOTERS in every poll or survey that’s been conducted consistently support remain. Would remain be an option in a confirmatory vote that a Labour Government offered? I think that would depend on the make-up of the parliamentary party. Those close to the leader don’t seem to want a second referendum (ie. Remain not being an option in any plebiscite). That view might be sustainable given a Labour government with a mandate.

    So, as far as this week’s Euro Elections were concerned, Labour was a Brexit Party. I couldn’t argue a Brexit line on the doorstep, and I certainly couldn’t suspend my integrity to essentially lie that we were Remain. Effectively as far as campaigning was concerned, I sat these Euros out. It’s the first election in nearly 40 years I haven’t felt part of and to say the least, I’m somewhat cheesed off about it.

    And that flippin’ Roundabout…

    Sevenways roundabout! This is not what was expected and it’s not gone down well. The original spec that we took to residents included a raised (25mm) and hatched central island to increase deflection but allow for necessary over-run by HGVs and other large vehicles. Somehow the raised central island has become a painted circle with a continuous line.

    Original design

    I think we have to continue to lobby for something closer to the original plan with better cycling and walking provision too. Paint is obviously a cheap option and in many cases the right option, but here we’ve got some drivers treating the roundabout as a normal two lane roundabout and others sticking rigidly to the outside lane even on a right turn. With the roundabout being so close to the motorway there’s always going to be a high throughput of drivers who are unfamiliar with the area, so I don’t think we can rely on people getting used to it and it settling down.

    I think this is an economy too far and this part of Stretford deserves better.

    And Lastly…..

    Pleased to have at last managed to complete a park run without walking. Not managed to move since but I did it at Wythenshawe Park on Saturday. I am quite pleased with that.

  • Weekly Update 12th – 18th January

    Weekly Update 12th – 18th January

    I got to cut the ribbon on the Lidl opening. I wish them all the best. More signs of Gorse Hill’s renaissance. Pleased for the jobs, pleased for the retail offer we’re getting here.

    Politics is all about Brexit. It’s a mess, isn’t it? Personal view – we’re nowhere near ready to leave. For example, the Government’s taking all its Northern Ireland soundings from the DUP – when Northern Ireland actually voted to remain in the EU. We’ve now had a car bomb in Londonderry. The Good Friday peace process matters, it’s not a little detail to be ignored. We have to pause article 50 to attend to so many issues that the government has been ignoring.

    Again personally, I’m not won over by the People’s Vote argument. I voted to remain, I lost, and I think we should honour the vote. I’d be happy with a similar arrangement to Norway. I suspect whatever arrangement we start with will change over years. I might be wrong but I don’t believe you need something similar to Article 50 in order to leave or change Norway plus. It seems obvious we should be pursuing a relationship with the EU that’s close but respects the referendum result. But we need far more time to get businesses and people ready. But the main concern has to be Northern Ireland. I don’t want a return to the troubles. I can’t think of anything more likely to undermine confidence in Good Friday than only dealing with the DUP.

  • Weekly update 5th – 11th Jan

    Weekly update 5th – 11th Jan


    Canvassing in Ashton on Mersey. Good response – local issues predominated. For and against a parking scheme being consulted upon around Mersey Road.


    Busy Labour Group meeting. One of the items discussed was the awarding of community grants. For the last few years the council has used a process called participatory budgeting. In Stretford and Old Trafford they’ve worked ok; the community gets to vote on those schemes they give most support to. There was criticism that groups would bring along people to vote but that was the point. If a group had little or no support, why would the council back it?

    It’s not worked well everywhere – Altrincham was hardly oversubscribed with bids. Taking everything into account we’ve taken the decision that participatory budgeting should not be used and we’re freshening the process up:


    Early start for Transport for Greater Manchester meeting. Clean air policy and the 2040 delivery plan.

    I have reservations over the clean air policy and need to be convinced that we sort traffic emissions by charging certain groups. Modern cities should be aspiring to making their space a place for people rather than vehicles. There are no ‘good’ or ‘clean’ private vehicles on city centre roads.

    The 2040 delivery plan is much more interesting, particularly given that once again a station at White City is floated. The railway already travels through the roundabout there and with it being convenient for both Pomona and Media City, a station just makes so much sense.

    Followed by library volunteering and Governors Meeting at Lostock.

  • Weekly Update 8th December 2018

    Weekly Update 8th December 2018


    Back from a family wedding in Edinburgh; I’m absolutely blown away by the bus services there. Every bus stop I used had real-time information. The buses were frequent and direct – it was about 20 minutes into town for £1.70. They seemed to be used by all classes of folk. There was lots of information on the bus including details of the next stop.

    Since getting home I’ve tried to understand the differences between Scotland and England with regard to buses. The main operator in Edinburgh is Lothian buses and they’re a municipal company owned by a number of councils. I think there’s the rub. By all means let other operators operate but set the standards that the others have to follow. It makes a profit too (Annual Accounts 2017) 

    Learn that Amey are looking for a buyer and the controversial Private Equity Group – Greybull are the most likely buyer. The ft describes Greybull’s business model as:

    The firm’s approach is to find troubled companies that have assets but weak cash flows. It then presses stakeholders — from investors who sell out, to customers and suppliers — to minimise the stake it must actually put up.

    FT – Greybull eyes profit from Monarch Collapse

    Clearly not of our making and but yet another questionable policy choice of the previous Tory administration.

    Civic Quarter Masterplan Meeting

    The last of the big consultation meetings was held in the evening. This is in relation to a strategic planning document in relation to an area centring on Trafford Town Hall. Because this area is attracting increased developmental interest primarily because of the proposed University but also because of retail, leisure and housing pressures. A finger in the air assessment would make it about 80% prohibitive and 20% enabling.

    As is normal with these sorts of proposals it’s the developments that the plan suggests and enables that attract the most attention. I am focussing below on three aspects that were of concern on my table in the evening.

    A civic square

    In front of the Town Hall and alongside the proposed University.

    Civic Square
    Currently Car Parking – A new civic square crossed by Talbot Road (wellbeing route) and Warwick Road (processional route)

    • Creating a high quality urban square that would become an everyday destination, as well as a congregating space for match and event days, and other civic functions
    • Finely integrated with Talbot Road and Brian Statham Way
    • Flexible design and street furniture that is inviting for everyday uses, but can accommodate large masses on match and event days
    • Opportunities for accommodating spill-out and temporary structures for events and activities
    • A high quality pavilion building active on all sides offering quality food and drink offer

    Whilst described as a civic square, a lot of residents have questioned whether its ‘Fanzone’ use is the more prevalent intended role. Ideal for Test Matches, but does it work for Manchester United matches? Is it not too far from their ground? Are there enough fans coming in on the Tram to the Old Trafford stop? As a civic space on non-event days are there enough people around even with the University?

    Wellbeing Route – Talbot Road

    • Accentuating the road’s green character by adding more street trees and creating a boulevard
    • De-engineering the street – narrowing the carriageway, widening footpaths, lowering kerbs, etc.
    • Designated bike lane – create a strategic route that aligns with the principles and is part of the network of Manchester’s new Beelines
    • Use of high quality materials to create a distinctive sense of place
    • Multiple road crossings to aid permeability of pedestrian movement
    • One side of the street to accommodate an ‘active ribbon’ – furniture and signage for activities and recreation, including running track, outdoor gym, ping pong tables, kids’ play etc.
    • Supercrossing at junction with Great Stone Road – potentially a diagonal crossing – to create a direct link with the existing Stretford Leisure ‘Talbot Centre’.

    Residents rightly questioned the displacement affect onto Chester Road. It’s a road that has received a lot of cycle infrastructure investment over the past couple of years so there has been questions as to whether the priority lies elsewhere. I have heard a lot of support for the Greatstone Road ‘supercrossing’ and I think this is welcome. However, the vision of a running track has generally been received sceptically and I think we might need to carry on the discussion more about the Wellbeing Route.

    Processional Route – Brian Statham Way / Warwick Road

    Vision (from the masterplan)

    Today Brian Statham Way and Warwick Road are a direct, if unremarkable, link between Old Trafford Metrolink station, Lancashire Cricket Club, Trafford Town Hall and, across Chester Road, Manchester United FC. The Processional Route as defined in the adopted Core Strategy has an aspiration to ultimately link the Civic Quarter to MediaCityUK .

    The SPD reimagines the link as a pedestrianised ceremonial route, amplifying the connection between the two stadia; a space to accommodate fans on match day and welcome them on every other day of the year to celebrate the uniqueness of this place and its history.

    I think the authors have to acknowledge that they haven’t given enough profile in that vision to the residents who live on Warwick Road and the side roads off it – Hornby Road and Barlow Road. Although there was some concern about prohibiting motor vehicles from Brian Statham Way, particularly in regard to safety, I think those concerns can be met by opening up the ‘Civic Square’ and making it a much busier area. I am more concerned about Warwick Road.

    It’s clear to me that we’re already imposing on Warwick Road with regard to marathons as well as Rugby and Football matches, sometimes on the same weekend. In increasing the ‘processional role’ we’ve got to ensure that residents can live their lives and use their cars. We can neither lock them in nor lock them out. They have to have access, and this needs to be a key protection within the SPD. It may be that non residential traffic is prohibited on event days but those residents need access.


    Meeting with Lostock Partnership and Friends of Lostock Park.

    I’m particularly keen that we never forget our youth. We have made damaging cuts over the years that will cost us all in the long run. Crazy politics. Thankfully, Lostock Partnership have taken on the lease of the youth centre. At the moment we’re trying to scrape together what youth provision we can from there, but in the long run I think we have to bring back a full provision and at least we’ll still have the building to run them from.


    Library volunteering and video stream of planning committee.

    Why am I watching a planning committee that I don’t sit on?

    An application for affordable housing in Hale supported by all Labour. I can’t remember the last time affordable housing was permitted in an area where it was most needed. It’s taken a Labour administration and it felt really good watching the video stream.

    It really is worth voting.


    Horrible day. I know she was only a cat, but learning that a pet you’ve had for nearly 20 years is too ill to ever come back home from the vets with you is still quite a knock.

    RIP  YoYo