Category: Weekly Updates

  • Scrutiny under the microscope

    Scrutiny under the microscope

    Big Agenda for Last Executive Meeting before Election Scrutiny looking to improve its Outcomes When the Cabinet System was adopted by Trafford, there was a clear expectation that Scrutiny would be an influential and effective means of holding the Executive Members of Cabinet to account for the important decisions whilst allowing the routine day to…

  • Addressing the broken housing market

    Addressing the broken housing market

    I chaired a good meeting last night looking at social housing within Trafford. It was a meeting I was quite keen to have. I think a lot of us had picked up on a perfect storm affecting people hoping to set up home in Trafford. Inflated house prices, a dysfunctional private rented sector and a…

  • June Update (Planning) Surfing on its way

    June Update (Planning) Surfing on its way

    Cricket Ground – new Red Rose stand incorporating hotel The Red Rose development at Lancashire Cricket Club was allowed at planning committee. Essentially this is reduced size hotel compared to a previous application. I’m not exactly bowled over by the plan. I’m quite proud of Old Trafford cricket ground and this does not seem up…

  • Spring is the air – Councillor update

    Spring is the air – Councillor update

    A focus on litter and having a natter Days are getting longer and there’s a more upbeat feel to everything. We’ve had a couple of dry weekends and it’s great that so many are taking the opportunity to get outside. I’ve been out delivering party leaflets the last couple of Saturdays and I’ve made a…

  • Alleyway Blues

    Alleyway Blues

    The long haul to get an alleyway back to a position where it becomes a communal asset

  • More New Homes for Trafford Wharf?

    More New Homes for Trafford Wharf?

    Hilti the tool maker are moving their UK Headquarters from a prime site on Trafford Wharf and the vacated land is being marketed as suitable for residential.