Category: Weekly Updates

  • Weekly Update 20 December 2010

    The week of the revised diary

    Two weeks previously the diary for this week had looked completely packed and I’d had to submit apologies for a number of meetings. The Government’s delays in releasing the Local Government settlement for Trafford meant all the meetings connected with Trafford’s Budget for next year were cancelled. And we lost Tuesday’s Councillor workshop on health inequalities due to lack of take-up


    Labour Group meeting on preparing for the budget – cancelled


    The workshop cancellation meant that after all I was able to attend the Lostock Community Partnership meeting on a bitterly cold night. Not many residents braved the cold and it was finished in less than 30 mins.


    Trafford Housing Trust Board meeting. Agenda items included ‘the local offer’ which is the statutory requirement of the regulator of Housing Associations – The Tenants Services Authority. The TSA sets national standards of service every tenant in England should receive from their landlord. However, it is recognised by the TSA that different communities have different challenges, and therefore may require additional standards which complement the national standards. Therefore they require landlords to agree with their tenants what they will deliver over and above these standards, or how best to implement these standards according to local priorities such as:

    • Allocations
    • Anti social behaviour and security
    • Neighbourhood and estate management
    • Quality of accommodation (decent homes)
    • Repairs and maintenance
    • Tenant choice and customer service
    • Tenant empowerment

    There’s nothing wrong with these aspirations. My concern is the amount of consultation that’s required to deliver on each of these and many more service levels. In effect we’ve created a cottage industry of consultation whilst at the same time knowing that we have cases of overcrowding and properties that don’t always meet modern standards particularly in relation to communal areas. And this cottage industry of consultation costs money that comes directly from the rents and service charges paid by those in the overcrowded properties etc. My personal view is that the emphasis has to be shifted from management/consultancy to delivery.


    Met with MUFC and Trafford Officers at Old Trafford to pitch for streetscene enhancements to engender pride in the neighbouhood close to the stadium. Maybe I’m a little naïve in suggesting that we could build through subtle branding of streetsigns etc,a sense that the streets are intrinsically linked to United and that for supporters to bespoil the area is in effect bespoiling United.

    Certainly United felt I was naïve. They pointed out that any United branding on street signs would make the sign a collectable; or would be defaced by opposing supporters. They felt any improvement in the behaviour of United supporters engendered by the streetscene enhancements would be offset by deteriorating behaviour of opposing fans. They also claimed that the reason behaviour of fans markedly improved as they crossed the bridge on Matt Busby Way to the stadium area was the increased surveillance and stewarding. And lastly there were corporate licensing issues of use of the logo.

    I didn’t get the sense that there’s any great enthusiasm but they felt that as the sporting boulevard was developed along Warwick Road / Sir Matt Busby Way linking the two stadia and Metrolink stadium, they would support some neutral enhancements.

    They are certainly wrong in some respects. Walking down Sir Matt Busby Way with the supporters, there’s a tangible change of mood when you cross the bridge and it’s nothing to do with the CCTV or stewards. The fans stop dropping litter and they certainly wouldn’t urinate against a wall of the stadium even if they could find a concealed area. It becomes hallowed ground for the fans and they treat the area with respect. Perhaps surprisingly most away fans actually behave similarly. Yes there’s ritualised chanting and abuse but the stadium itself is respected to a degree. The whole point is to widen the area where the change in behaviour takes place.

    I don’t buy the idea that we can’t do this sufficiently subtly to prevent signage becoming a collectable. I will keep persevering.


    Attended Two Committee Meetings at Barton Clough Governors immediately after.


    Learned that Coronation Street studio is being moved to Gorse Hill and got quote to paper


    Snow: oh by the way I’m still giving up smoking.

    Have a great christmas

  • Weekly Update 13 December 2010


    Attended Humphrey Park playbuilder scheme meeting. Sadly the decision was taken to recommend to Trafford not to proceed. The basis was purely on the strength of feeling of local residents against any improvement to the park that would encourage young people to use it.


    Went on patrol with local police to look at policing of football matches. United were playing Valencia. Supporters being conned to fork out for car-parking where they could get clamped is the most troubling for the police. However a very cold night thankfully biggest problem we saw was a coach of away supporters taking a wrong turn and having to reverse against the flow of supporters.


    Casework and mail


    I watched the debate in parliament on Student Fees. The Lib Dem defence is all over the place. They couldn’t have been more emphatic in their campaign that they would vote against any increase in student fees. They targeted to University seats with the message. In power they’ve abandoned it without hesitation. I do not know what the Lib Dems stand for any more. I used to have a degree of respect for the Lib Dems particularly in their opposition to the war which was an issue I shared with them. Now they’ve jettisoned all their key platforms, even their opposition to Iraq looks like opportune positioning.

    Attended the Peel consultation on Brep. Had an interesting conversation with a volunteer from planning aid. The Government is cutting their funding from April. Planning Aid help communities influence the planning decisions affecting them. They’re not simply there to oppose planning. I would have thought they were ideally placed to play a role in the Big Society. I’ve asked Kate Green if she’ll write to the minister as it will be tragic if Planning Aid folds.

  • Weekly Update 6 December 2010


    Attended member development meeting. This is an all-party steering group supporting the role of councillor in working positively for their communities. The main issue on the agenda was preparations for a councillor workshop on ‘The Big Society’ and working with the voluntary sector.

    Attended Stretford Neighbourhood Forum at Town Hall – Poorly attended meeting – residents easily outnumbered by officers and councillors. Really don’t like the Town Hall as a neighbourhood venue. Topics covered included preparing for the Census and the Local Transport Plan.

    Following the forum, the Labour Group met to discuss Wednesday’s forthcoming Council Meeting. I noticed that the Conservatives were meeting at the same time and we exited to the car-park at exactly the same time. Get the impression Wednesday is going to be a pantomime. It was certainly frostier in the car park.


    In the morning I met Sharon Richardson who is head of Access Trafford encompassing the library service and contact centres. I’m extremely supportive of the work that’s going on with this directorate. We know that libraries are cited as one of the first targets for cuts in local authorities across the UK. By integrating the provision of library services with the contact points for the public to report problems, we give the libraries a better chance of survival in the battle to justify their existence against other priority services.

    I still suspect that when Trafford’s spending review is released, we’ll need to be ready to fight for library services.

    A series of blatantly party-politically motivated Trafford Council Press Releases each aimed at a specific Labour motion tabled for the following night’s Council meeting – It’s easy to get too precious over this but the neutrality of our public servants is a treasured tradition. Our elections change the politicians; whilst our public servants provide continuity and impartial expertise. I wasn’t impressed that the ‘Trafford Council’ Press Office were being asked to do the Conservative Party’s job in putting out pre-emptive dissimulation on Labour’s motions.

    I’m not going to pretend that this was as bad as Thatcher’s politicisation of the police in the 1980s, and had these been Tory Party releases, I’ve no problem. But if the Tory executive is expecting council employees to operate on behalf of the Conservative Party’s interests as opposed to the interests of Trafford’s residents, it’s a really disappointing deterioration. Regrettably it seems to be part of a trend.

    So Tuesday afternoon was dominated by getting our message out to the local press.


    Delivered a leaflet round and worryingly became unwell whilst out. Forced to miss evening’s council meeting.


    Met with Joanne Hyde, the head of HR at Trafford Town Hall. There’s more that can be done to reduce duplication across the different directorates and some good progress is taking place.

    Later I was really impressed to get a GP’s appointment on the same day. I’m proud of improvements that Labour made in the NHS during our time in Government. Delamere Medical Centre is such a contrast to the old cramped conditions we used to have.


    Stretford BioMass Plans apparently submitted although the application is not yet processed so we’re still waiting for the documents to be published and a reference number to be allocated. However I successfully made representations on the length of the consultation period. Given the festive season I argued for 35 days rather than the normal 21/28 days. This has been granted.

    We received the news that Trafford Healthcare Trust was seeking a larger trust to take it over. My instinctive and immediate reaction is to support this,although we have to look at the detail. Trafford General (Park Hospital) does have problems caused by its smaller comparative size.

    Christmas CLP meeting in the evening.


    Monthly Surgery – One Client

    Attended Trafford’s Display on the Town Hall development. I’m still disappointed that the Council accommodation seems to turn away from the public. I’d like to see the council chamber become almost a public arena. The emphasis of the development is to allow hotdesking and similar and there’s much talk of breakout rooms. I’m not convinced we need to knock down existing offices to create this.

    Heartened by the protests by UK Uncut.  At last someone people are getting angry over the way the elite rip us off.  This has the potential to grow into the most important movement since Aldermaston.

  • Weekly Update 29 November 2010

    Cold Cold week

    Windows being replaced at home and structural work to front of house on the coldest week of the winter so far. I tried to divert appointments away from this week so I could attend to building work. A mistake as life without windows is fffreezing! I’d have welcomed a chance to get warm at the town hall.


    Released Daylight Saving letter to Stretford and Urmston Advertiser. They didn’t ultimately use the release which is a shame. The campaign to give an extra hour of daylight in winter has gathered pace. I even received a telephone call from Rebecca Harris, the Conservative MP who is fronting the campaign in Parliament. Rebecca was hoping I could influence Kate Green to attend the vote on Friday of next week. However, Friday votes are incredibly difficult for northern MPs; Fridays are their busiest days of the week and I know from early discussions that Kate has long-standing appointments for Friday from dawn to late.

    Nevertheless the campaign for extra daylight is going well and it is supported by an ever growing list. Following open support from the Central Council for Physical Recreation, the Football Association, the England and Wales Cricket Board and the Lawn Tennis Association and safety groups including ROSPA, BRAKE and Road Safety GB, the AA has signed up to the campaign and Edmund King, the boss of the AA has written an insightful piece for his blog.

    Another Conservative MP, Tobias Ellwood has published probably the definitive pamphlet on the subject. For one time only, I’m going to provide a link to Conservative Home to download the leaflet. The arguments in favour of extra light in the evening are compelling:

    • Safer roads: There would be a reduction of over 100 deaths and over  200 serious injuries each year by virtue of lighter evenings when there is a higher peak of road activity.
    • Reduction in NHS (A&E) budget: Fewer accidents would result in around £200m savings by the NHS each year. This would also impact on insurance claims.
    • Reduction in crime: More light later into the evening would result in reduced crime statistics across the nation, as most crime takes place under cover of darkness later in the day.
    • Improved health and wellbeing: Increased opportunities for exposure to daylight (around 235 additional hours of after school and after work daylight a year), which would encourage more participation in outdoor activities and sports and help tackle the obesity time bomb.
    • Boost to UK tourism: More daylight in the early evenings would deliver a boost to British tourism of an estimated £2.5bn per annum, with an increase in overall spending in the UK leisure sector of £3.5bn.
    • A reduction in energy bills: More hours of available sunlight towards the end of the day would see about 5% reduction in energy bills across the UK as a whole.
    • A reduction in the UK’s carbon footprint: The reduction in energy would also lead to about a 2.2% national reduction in CO2 emissions during the winter months equating to 1.2m tonnes of CO2; equivalent to removing 20,000 cars off the road for 6 months over winter.
    • Increased international business and trade: One hour time difference with central Europe results in four hours loss of overlap in the working day.  Changing the clocks would not only reconcile our time gap with Europe, it would help towards improving the overlap with the world’s biggest emerging markets, namely China and India.

    The Daily Telegraph  joined the debate with this very strong piece on Monday – Double summertime would make Britain richer, greener and happier.

    Probably the one reason I couldn’t get my campaign into the local paper was I just didn’t get enough signatures. I was just a couple short of 50% of Trafford Councillors but it I couldn’t get over the line. Whether that was due to an aversion to cross-party co-operation or colleagues were simply in favour of the status quo, I don’t know. In some ways I hope it is not party-lines, as this has been an all-party movement from the top downwards.

    I gave apologies in respect of the evening’s Labour Group meeting


    Received the agenda for next Wednesday’s council meeting. I think the local Conservatives must be losing the plot. They’ve submitted two almost identical motions and they betray a real sense that either a leadership challenge is imminent or they are panicking they’re going to lose badly in May. These are two of the dumbest embodiments of political horlicks making ever witnessed.

    The first bullet of the motion tells you everything:

    Labour claim they can save millions of pounds by opposing the disposal of 4 Council administration buildings and renewal of Trafford Town Hall.

    Fact: Not reducing the number of Council buildings would cost £5 million to £11 million more, money which under Labour would have to come from reducing front line services.

    £5 million to £11 million!! not much margin for error there!: they’re just making these figures up!!

    In actual fact fixing the town hall would cost significantly less than they’ve estimated and with the current trend towards partnerships between local authorities we would avoid paying for a huge expensive white elephant built to address the business needs of 2007.


    Shivered – winter’s on the way and we’ve no front windows


    Windows almost fixed.

    Attended Trafford Cycle Forum.

    I got a little irritated at the forum. Trafford is lagging so far behind other boroughs in the attention it gives to cycling provision and it’s been that way for as long as I can remember. We occasionally take advantage of funding when it’s available to produce a worthwhile scheme such as the Bridgewater Way between Stretford and Sale, but even there the investment is undermined in failing to build it into any sort of cycling network. They refuse to acknowledge that it could form part of safer routes to work/school etc. (it’s purely recreational!).

    The context to my irritation was Trafford’s submission to Greater Manchester’s Local Transport Plan. It was clear that Trafford is not prepared to submit anything that has any potential investment costs to it and we can expect nothing but weasel words about how much Trafford welcomes increased uptake in cycling and recognises the health benefits / environmental benefits blah, blah etc. But it won’t do anything to create low-traffic routes for cyclists, ensure cycling is taken into account in planning decisions or build any sort of network. It’s maintenance and policing of the 1940s/50s cycling paths is appalling and they’ve largely surrendered these for car parking use. But Trafford will still make the token noises when it comes to the consultation.

    You can comment directly to the consultation at

    I also attended the Council’s Accounts and Audit Committee from 6:30 to 8pm. I raised questions over the Council’s procurement policy in connection with a report that had been made on the tree maintenance section. The report had exposed slight vulnerabilities to challenge in its tendering processes. These had been addressed but I wondered if there were lessons to be learned for other sections.


    Another go at giving up smoking after I’d recently lapsed. Windows finally sealed so the Arctic draft is finally sorted and I can start to feel warm again.

    Posted a response I’d received from Peel Energy onto after I’d submitted a long enquiry to them. The Barton BioMass Plant is a difficult issue. I’m sure that a vote across Trafford would result in a ‘No’ vote against the plant. Planning law plays little regard to what communities want. The planning committee is made up of councillors, so there’s some accountability but you sometimes wonder.

    I’ve never forgotten the Tory chair of planning, Viv Ward, stating in connection to rock concerts at Old Trafford:

    “People know what they are moving to in Old Trafford. Just show me someone who lived here before the club came to the area nearly 100 years ago.”

    The concert quote is still the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard from a councillor and really capped a bad decision. We have to hope for better informed decision making when it comes to the Barton Bio Mass.

    In the evening I attended the Trafford’s Labour Group of Councillors’ Christmas Dinner. In terms of electoral progress it’s been a better year than we’ve had for a considerable time in Trafford. At last we’ve seen those magical words ‘Lab Gain’ on the council’s elections webpages. We know the wins in Urmston and Sale Moor are something we can build on. They’re something we have to build on as this Conservative Government continues to target working people and their children, whilst bolstering the privileged. Labour councillors are vital to challenging the Tory agenda and we need to raise our game and then raise it some more.


    Picked up two rounds of leaflets for delivery drawing the week and then attended a residents consultation meeting organised to discuss plans from Lostock Tenants and Residents Association to develop some children’s facilities at Nico’s field nr Humphrey Park Station. There’s some opposition to the plans from immediate neighbours. I don’t think the issue has been handled well and I predict that it will be abandoned. I’d have liked the meeting to have explored what improvements the neighbours would have liked to see at the green. It seems a shame that an opportunity to give a little bit of a lift to a patch like that is going to be spurned but opinions are polarised and I don’t see compromise.

    In the evening I attended a social event with New Way Forward. Not strictly councillor activity as it’s my wife who has the connection as a director. New Way Forward are a charity providing support to people in Trafford affected by Mental Health.

    Still giving up smoking

  • Weekly Update 22nd November 2010

    Somber start to week


    The week began with the funeral of Steve Leathwaite. The packed church and the attendance of so many Trafford Housing Trust staff, councillors and community activists was a fitting testament to the service Steve had given over the years.

    I attended a resident’s meeting in the evening called to address increasing problems in respect of the Chatsworth Crescent Play Area. Being a play area, by definition it has attracted kids and youths. As the balconies of the over 55 flats are immediately above the play area, the residents are affected by noise and nuisance from the playground below. Regularly this has resulted in the police being called whenever behaviour has got out of hand. There are real problems with the design and proximity. Insufficient attention has been paid to the layout of the play area with seats immediately below the balconies.

    We argued for design alterations to move the seats and to design out football from the playground. Hopefully action can be taken to provide diversionary activities and we’ll be insisting on daily clean ups of the park.


    Casework and Correspondence. Finished the mark register upload. 57;000 voters uploaded – glad to see the back of it.


    Leaflet delivery in Davyhulme

    Trafford Housing Trust Board – raised the issue of Lostock play area. I said it was indicative of a tendency particularly in connection with the Lostock development to make too many promises and deal with issues when it was too late.


    Meeting with Theresa Grant – Corporate Director of Transformation and Resources

    Items discussed included

    • the reorganisation of the Access Trafford structure including libraries and contact centres to ensure we’re employing the maximum to frontline roles.
    • the decanting of staff to alternative premises while the Town Hall construction is ongoing
    • the operational structure of the combined payroll and staffing system with Wigan and Stockport
    • Structure changes in Democratic and Legal Services
    • Preparing for the elections including the AV referendum
    • The Spending Challenge Consultation


    Trafford Housing Trust Board AwayDay

    Actually not an awayday as it was held in Sale Point; but it was a good opportunity to examine the challenges and threats facing the Trust and its capability to develop as a trust. The Conservative Government is making huge changes to the social housing sector and radically altering benefit provision at the same time.

    I’m not normally a fan of away-days but this was an extremely worthwhile day.


    More leafletting

  • Weekly update 15th November

    Sad News….

    Steve Leathwaite


    A diary clash between Lostock Tenants and Resident’s Committee or Labour Group meeting saw me chosing the former. I learned at the meeting of the sad death of Steve Leathwaite. Steve has been a champion of the tenant’s voice. He was hugely influential in the stock transfer of council owned homes to Trafford Housing Trust and was appointed to the board of the trust from its inception. I later joined him on the board and immediately came to appreciate Steve’s insight and integrity. He was a giant of a man in all senses and he will be truly missed from the board.

    He was a brilliant chair of the Lostock Partnership and inspirational in winning Lostock’s share of the Fairshare Grant. Steve always believed that you needed the Lostock community’s views on how the funds should be applied and his chairing was a model of encouraging everyone to take part. He took those skills on to the community panel and he will be irreplaceable there.

    It was difficult to return to the business of the meeting but we also discussed the BioMass plant and winning the fight against closure at Lostock College.

    Football predominates…..


    Casework, emails and progressing with the marked register upload. I also released the Labour press notice about the ill-conceived consultation on removing the subsidy for care from those who have more than £50,000 in capital. Whilst the initiative might appear to be targetting the better-off, it’s hitting those that have saved or received compensation. It is another vile and heartless cut from Conservatives, the party that sees fit to charge the taxpayer for a cabinet photographer to take flattering snaps for photoshopping into airbrushed propaganda. No surprises there since locally the Tories will make any cut except to their monthly Councillor Coupe gallery (Trafford Today).


    Meetings at Town Hall. Firstly with officers from Environment on Air Quality monitoring. As anticipated Trafford’s air quality is less than perfect. The main polluter in terms of NOx and particulates (the biggest concerns in Trafford) is road transport. Our hotspots are along the motorways and there is genuine cause for concern.

    Hearing that the only route to reducing our main source of pollution is through a decrease in road use took me back to the congestion charge….

    I’m resigned to the fact that congestion charge was resoundingly rejected by the Manchester public. There’s no point in pretending that there’s any possibility it could make a comeback. Locally I was  in the minority of my own party in eventually concluding that, although deeply flawed in design, I supported the charge more than I supported the status quo.

    But I can’t help wistfully thinking what might have been. Certainly the evidence suggests we will live shorter lives as a consequence of our over reliance on polluting car use.  And more than ever, Manchester needs a world class public transport system if it’s going to secure the growth we require of it. My Labour Government failed to deliver anything like the progress we needed. And the Conservatives were the ones who wrecked it in the first place!

    Peel’s BioMass plant seems destined to be throwing particulates and NO2 into the air in a locality already subject to concentrations close to permitted levels (around the M60). We will have to see how their dispersion modelling copes with this when the planning application arrives.

    The second meeting with officers was in respect of the residential area adjacent to Old Trafford Football ground. The plastic urinals are being used and are helping to divert supporters from using doorways and gardens. It’s sad though that they are needed and I believe United and the council can do more to engender a spirit of respect to this area. As we’ve stated on the website, those houses and United have been together for a century and I believe we should use that fact to make the area part of the United heritage. I’ve suggested that the council look at ways such as street sign branding, endorsement from players and programme promotions to get across the message that what supporters do to the residents’ properties, they are doing to United. Officers seemed open to this suggestion and will look to taking it to the club to look at consulting with residents and others to how they take this forward.

    And in the evening I went to the Manchester Derby. If both sides carry on playing like that, there will be no supporters to worry about.


    I went to the planning meeting as the United Supporters Club was on the agenda. It looks to be an exciting design and I look forward to seeing it progress. (being a blue will mean I’m probably barred, but it’s still a wonderfully creative piece of architecture in a very demanding setting).

    By coincidence, City were also up before Trafford’s planning and were allowed to keep the training developments they’d built without permission but not without 15mins of chastisements. Planning also spent 15 minutes on the survival of a garden hedge. Fair enough, but the bit of the hedge in question was not under threat and nobody had applied for any sort of condition being attached to it.

    The planning committee also managed to have a major development at Barton nodded through without any discussion.


    Monthly meeting of the Constituency Labour Party which I chaired in the absence of the official chair of the CLP. Good discussion regarding the cuts and Labour’s approach to them. We felt the party was too timid in the message it was putting across and really needed to use the opportunity to take on the inequalities that existed in Britain where the landed gentry still owned most of the country. I put forward the argument that we should give real consideration to the proposals of Professor Philo (see Guardian Summary) who reasoned that since the top 10% of the country possessed nearly 50% of the wealth, we shouldn’t be forcing the bottom half (who possess just 9% ) to make the sacrifices in taxes, benefits and services. A one-off tax of just 20% on the estates of these super-rich could pay off the national debt, never mind the deficit. And we’ve all seen and understood the benefits of a more equal society.

    When people like Peter Mandelson can say “Haven’t the rich suffered enough”, you are forced to point out that the 20% tax on super rich estates would leave no Duke cold, no Earl hungry, no Duchess without their luxury holidays and yachts, no billionaire will be unable to buy christmas presents for their children. If we’re all in this together, then that shouldn’t be an empty slogan. But doing it this way also means we can focus on putting growth into the economy and getting the needed investment in our infrastructure that’s so badly needed.


    Visit to the Lostock College open day (see previous post)


    Remembrance Service at Stretford Cenotaph. Really solid turnout and a moving ceremony. An unexpected bonus was a spur of the moment invite from the acting OC at 207 Field Hospital. These are volunteer medics and doctors from Manchester hospitals who do the most inspiring service with our operational troops, treating servicemen and civilians. Incredible people. Humbling..

    Visit to the Lostock College open day (see previous post)
    SundayRemembrance Service at Stretford Cenotaph. Really solid turnout and a moving ceremony. An unexpected bonus was a spur of the moment invite from the acting OC at 207 Field Hospital. These are volunteer medics and doctors from Manchester hospitals who do the most inspiring service with our operational troops, treating servicemen and civilians. Incredible people. Humbling