Category: walkability
Lead Councillor brings Trafford up to Speed on the Cones
An update to Council on the A56 cones
Exciting New Quayside Destination
This could be amazing.
Stretford Town Centre – Consultation
Currently, Chester Road and Kingsway sever the Mall from the rest of Stretford and create dangerous, uncomfortable crossings for residents and high levels of pollution and noise. Stretford Town Centre Consultation – Accessibility My thoughts on the Accessibility of the Town Centre Too limited in scale. The plan assumes that people only walk to the…
Happy New Year to you all
A few predictions for this time of year seems to be the tradition. I’m optimistic. Covid I think we’re going to have a difficult few weeks with covid but spring is going to look so much better for those who keep up their vaccination. It will never go away but we’ll find it far more…
Good Strategy, Implementation when? Ever?
Two very different reports approved by Trafford within days
Embracing our shops
Local shops define neighbourhoods. Let’s make more of their contribution.