Category: Health

  • Could the streets once again be alive with the sound of children playing?

    Lovely story from the Telegraph

    In 2011, a group of parents in Bristol, concerned about their children’s health and their lack of outside play, decided to use legislation designed for street parties to apply to have their street closed to cars. Later that year, Bristol City Council introduced a policy whereby residents could apply to have their street closed to traffic for up to three hours a week for play.

    The idea spread and, following a grant from the Department of Health, the parents who set up the first play street established Playing Out. It now offers support and advice to parents wanting to set up their own play streets in other parts of the country.

    There are now 40 play streets in Bristol alone and the concept has spread to other council areas, including Brighton, Hertfordshire, Oxford, Reading, Sussex and Norwich. Usually streets are closed for a couple of hours a week or month, with residents acting as stewards at either end to divert traffic.

  • How an obese town lost a million pounds weight

    Oklahoma City is a midsized town that had a big problem: It was among the most obese towns in America. Mayor Mick Cornett realized that, to make his city a great place to work and live, it had to become healthier too.




    Mick Cornett displays a quality not always evident in stereo-typical local politicians; he's prepared to take on inertia within the system, and take a journey of transformation, just not of himself, but of the entire city.