Category: Blog

  • Lostock Allocations Policy

    This morning’s meeting was really well attended. It really demonstrated a commitment to making the new development a success. Trafford’s waiting list is incredibly high and it’s getting bigger so balancing those pressures to ensure a cohesive future for Lostock is the challenge.

    First Published

    10 July 2009

  • Mersey Valley

    I was at the AGM of the Mersey Valley today. The state of maintenance of the Trafford managed areas is a real cause for concern. One of the first things that our Tory council did was to withdraw grounds maintenance funding from the Mersey Valley warden service, saying that they could maintain the areas more cost effectively themselves. Regrettably, that grounds maintenance has now pretty much reached zero for the Mersey Valley in Trafford. 

    So the Mersey Valley staff that remain are getting it in the neck over the state of maintenance but they can’t do anything about it. They can only do the maintenance on the Manchester side of the boundary. You can’t really expect Manchester to pay to maintain Trafford, but ridiculously this seems to be the argument that Trafford are employing. All in all, these are difficult days for the Mersey Valley.

    Mike Cordingley

    First posted 9 July 2009

  • St Georges Day Parade

    Those of us that spent any time in the cubs or scouts will well remember the emphasis placed on the St Georges Day Parade. It was the one day of the year where suddenly we’d discover other packs and somehow out of nowhere we’d find that we’d got bands, drummers and pipers. 

    Together we’d proudly march the local streets before coming together in a local park. 

    The scouts’ St Georges Day promoted the best aspects of the celebration of this national day; it wasn’t a promotion of battles won or battles lost, it didn’t discriminate between class, creed or ethnicity. It’s a tradition that maintained in Stretford all through the years until 2008.

    Whatever the reasons for this year’s cancellation, whether the fault lies with the police or Trafford Council, the lack of a parade this year is a shameful omission. It embarasses us all. 

    Mike Cordingley

    First published 23rd April 2009

  • Old Trafford Masterplan – A new look for the cricket ground and beyond

    This sports themed regeneration of the area between Chester Road and Old Trafford Cricket Ground is a hugely ambitious, complex and far-reaching project.

    The proposed component parts include:

    • A modern cricket ground with increased capacity and associated leisure / hotel facilities.
    • A new Accademy to replace Lostock College and Stretford High School
    • A large Tesco’s
    • New residential and office areas
    • A new look to the Talbot Road area

    More details are on the website.

    First published 22 March 2009

  • Trafford Park Station

    Trafford Park Railway Station – The trains don’t stop there (often enough) and it’s not really Trafford Park is it?

    It’s remarkable how many people are unaware how close the station is to the centre of Stretford and large parts of Gorse Hill. It’s name has long since ceased to be relevant. Should the station be renamed e.g.:

    · Stretford – Victoria Park,
    · Stretford Marina,
    · Stretford – Moss Road – or left as it is?

    We would really like to work to raise the station’s profile in other ways such as better signage and lighting. How can we make the station more welcoming?.
    However most of all we’d like more trains to be stopping – many of the commuting trains (not the express) to and from Manchester are missing Trafford Park out. We’re told by the railways that there are technical difficulties due to the limited number of slots on the Oxford Road – Piccadilly line. We’re convinced these difficulties can be overcome if the railways can be persuaded that there is a latent demand there for services; so far put off by their irregularity..
    A revitalised station with a higher profile and regular trains providing a 10 minute journey to Manchester would be a positive boon both in terms of shops and house values. We need to show that there is widespread support from within the area.

    First posted 10 September 2007

  • A New Look for the Blog

    I’ve given the blog a complete makeover to match the look of the website. As it’s on a new platform I’ll be importing the posts from the old site today.