Those of us that spent any time in the cubs or scouts will well remember the emphasis placed on the St Georges Day Parade. It was the one day of the year where suddenly we’d discover other packs and somehow out of nowhere we’d find that we’d got bands, drummers and pipers.Â
Together we’d proudly march the local streets before coming together in a local park.Â
The scouts’ St Georges Day promoted the best aspects of the celebration of this national day; it wasn’t a promotion of battles won or battles lost, it didn’t discriminate between class, creed or ethnicity. It’s a tradition that maintained in Stretford all through the years until 2008.
Whatever the reasons for this year’s cancellation, whether the fault lies with the police or Trafford Council, the lack of a parade this year is a shameful omission. It embarasses us all.Â
Mike Cordingley
First published 23rd April 2009