Category: Blog

  • Quite a good idea

    Support the campaign. It benefits the global economy, it benefits the poor and preserves normal transactions; a Tobin tax for the 21st century. Read more here

    It sounds complicated, but actually it isn’t. A tiny tax on bankers has the power to raise hundreds of billions every year – giving a vital boost to the NHS, our schools, and the fight against child poverty – as well as tackling poverty and climate change around the world.

  • Eco debates

    I was listening to Radio 4’s ‘Start the Week this morning. Stewart Brand, an American environmentalist from the 60s, was promoting his book in which he turns heretic in supporting the urban over-crowded shanty existence against the rural idyll of village life, and goes on to support nuclear power, and gm crops in Africa. It was good to hear views refreshingly well argued as opposed to the tired refrain from some of the more unworldly Green polemicists and their ilk.  Here’s a link to a 15 minute lecture from him. It’s well worth watching if only for the spectacular shots of the train going through the Bangkok Shanty. Mike Cordingley

  • Another Tory Flagship Council shows its nasty side

    Ombudsman slams H&F council as pregnant domestic violence victim is forced to sleep in park

    When David Cameron went to Hammersmith & Fulham recently he told locals that “when I look at the record of what the Conservatives have done here in Hammersmith and Fulham, far from being embarrassed as the Conservative Leader, I’m proud of what they’re doing”.

    Last Thursday the Local Government Ombudsman condemned Hammersmith and Fulham Council and determined it must pay compensation to a pregnant woman fleeing domestic violence, after Cameron’s ‘flagship’ local authority refused to provide her with support and temporary accommodation. The terrified woman was later found seeking shelter in a park.

    This shocking tale would be of no interest to Stretford residents except that it highlights the true Tory future should we re-elect the nasty party. It serves as a reminder of the squalor and destitution that faced many in Thatcher’s Britain. For goodness sake we mustn’t let them back.

    Mike Cordingley

  • Kate on the latest poverty figures from Save the Children

    Child poverty figures

    One-club solutions are not the answer to child poverty

    26 January 2010
    The latest figures from Save the Children showing an increase in the number of the very poorest children will cause ministers concern. The charity itself acknowledges that budget measures since 2008 should have begun to turn the position round. But some children are especially at risk. Children who experience long-term ill health or disability, or who have a parent who is sick or disabled, children in larger families, children in lone parent families, children from Pakistani and Bangladeshi backgrounds, children whose parents don’t work – all face a disproportionately high risk of poverty.

    Read More from Progress Magazine

    Also read Compass article ‘It’s inequality stupid’

  • Roads and Pavements

    It’s that time of year again. Help us by telling us the roads and pavements that need attention in the Gorse Hill Ward.

    Use the reply section

  • Best Cameron?

    My David My David

    My personal favourites. Though the ‘Maybe it’s maybelline’ poster made me laugh. Click on the posters to go to the page