The parents feel very strongly that there has been a lack of meaningful consultation with the Council concerning this decision. A 5,000 named petition has been signed by people objecting to the decision. There are a range of concerns consisting of whether there will be enough places at a new Academy, particularly in the long term when it’s planned to build 900 dwellings around LCCC – year 5 is already at capacity, and there is a lack of vacancies at any other school – a lack of information about what will happen in September, whether siblings will be guaranteed a place – severe disruption to children’s education – parents whose children are not yet in secondary education haven’t been given any information and haven’t been invited to any consultation, yet this decision affects their lives – the Stretford High School land should not be sold and the capital receipt given to LCCC, particularly so when the site of the proposed school is barely large enough for a new enlarged school – the 6th Form provision has been dropped from the original proposals for a new school. These are just a few of parents’ concerns, there are many more issues. The parents are also concerned that the decision on moving to statutory closure consultation has been made and the Executive will sign funding agreement with the Department for Education prior to the completion of the statutory consultation. This to them seems to be completely wrong and unacceptable. These concerns need to be heard by the committee and we suggest parents are invited to the call-in meeting so that the committee members can listen directly to those concerns.
Dave Acton – Labour Councillor for Gorse Hill
Mike Cordingley – Labour Councillor for Gorse Hill
Dave Jarman – Labour Councillor for Longford