Category: Blog
The Williams’s error of judgement
Alex Williams and his wife have got themselves in bother again. They should know better. Planted question at Bolton West. If these are the tricks and deceits that they’re getting up to now, it’s really questionable behaviour that augurs badly should either of them be elected.
We’ll be keeping an eye out for more planted questions from the Conservatives in Stretford and Urmston hustings.
Mike Cordingley
Trafford’s shameful progress on housing
Nearly 12,000 on the waiting list. This excludes all those who’ve self-excluded their chances of obtaining suitable social housing. It leaves so many in overcrowded or unsuitable housing. This is a terrible indictment of Trafford Council.
Trafford’s progress on social housing
Mike Cordingley
Academy Call-in Response
We’ve just received word that call in has been allowed. Parents and other interested parties haven’t got long to get submissions in. The working deadline for submissions to this call-in is Tuesday 23rd March. It may be possible to submit til Thursday but much better if the submissions are by Tuesday. (Just a reminder that the decision being called in is the decision to begin the process to close the two schools)
Dear Councillor / Colleague –Please note that Councillor Mrs. Reilly, as Chairman of Overview & Scrutiny Core Committee, has agreed that the above decision be called in for scrutiny by the Overview & Scrutiny Core Committee. A copy of the call-in proforma is attached, for information, along with the decision report and decision statement, for ease of reference.In view of the required timescale for hearing the call-in and a range of other scheduled meetings and logistic considerations, the options for the timing of this meeting are extremely constrained. It is therefore envisaged that the meeting will take place on Monday 29th March, at 6.30 p.m. I would be very grateful if Members of the Committee could confirm their availability.The venue for the meeting is likely to be Flixton House; this will be confirmed in due course. Further details, agenda papers, etc., will be circulated in the usual way.I am advised that members of the public will not be allowed to address the meeting; but that if written representations are submitted in advance they will be made available for the Committee’s consideration. Any such representations should be forwarded to the Scrutiny Office at TTH by the afternoon of Tuesday 23rd March to enable them to be included with the initial agenda distribution. It will be possible for additional items to be circulated as “to follow” papers provided they are received in the Scrutiny Office by 12.00 noon on Thursday 25th March at the very latest. Please note that any such representations are to be considered in a public forum; it is envisaged that they will be in the public domain, and their content should therefore avoid anything inappropriate for the public domain.Regards –Mike Cordingley
Dave Acton
Call in Proforma Response
Decision being called in
Executive Decision -
Motion in Support of Stretford Town Centre
The Council has recently been notified that Receivers have been appointed in respect of Stretford Town Centre Mall .In light of the above and of the lawful consent of 80,000 sq ft of food retail at White City, and the recent decision made by the Planning Committee to support the application to build a mega 175, 000 sq ft Tesco superstore, both of which are situated near to Stretford Town Centre, this Council recognises the urgent need to support the regeneration of Stretford town centre and the Mall.To this end the Council resolves to:- Do everything it can to support the Town Centre Mall in these difficult times
- Develop a proper and thorough Town centre plan and strategy.
- Develop a new  improved and strengthened Town Centre partnership, and the development of a more effective partnership role with whoever becomes the new owners of the Mall.
- Ring fence the income from the mall and re-invest it back into Stretford town centre and the Mall.
This Council recognises that investment in our town centres has been proved to be effective in protecting them and making them fit for the future, helping them to serve our local communities. This has been proved to be successful in Sale, Altrincham and Urmston, this Council recognises that it is now time to look at Stretford.