Category: Blog

  • Lostock Park – enhancements to Skateboard Park


    Following receipt of the welcome news from Central Government that Trafford Council is now able to proceed with a number of its planned Playbuilder projects we are contacting you for information purposes with a copy of the final design for Lostock Park.

    For those of you who represent children and young people we would be grateful if you could display the plan in your out of school clubs, schools and youth facilities and thank the children and young people on our behalf for their involvement.

    To those adults involved we thank you also for giving up some of your time during the consultation period and  would like you, if  you represent a group, to bring the plan to the attention of your group.

    Please be advised that the hugely reduced timescale we are working to necessitates that we proceed very quickly with this scheme and therefore, though we welcome your comments ( we have already received helpful comments in this case) and where appropriate will do our best to take account of them we will be strongly influenced by the available timescale.

    Please address any queries or comments you have to Liz Clay within 14 days of the date of this email.

    Best wishes Liz Clay

    Liz Clay
    Play Projects Officer
    Trafford MBC
    Sure Start Early Years Team, Children & Young Peoples Service, 4th Floor, Waterside House, Sale, M33 7ZF
    Telephone:07739 856685
    Fax: 0161 9123288
  • Waiting Restriction Consultations – Warren Bruce Road & Longford Road

    The following consultations have been forwarded:

    Warren Bruce Road (nr Imperial War Museum)

    Waiting restrictions close to traffic lights and access points along the road

    see map

    see document

    Longford Road (Gorse Hill off Chester Road)

    Restrictions to combat illegal match-day parking operations.

    see map

    see document

  • Stretford Neighbourhood Police Update

    Good work from Stretford Neighbourhood Police Team, responding to residents’ concerns

    Police pressure closes off-licence

    The Stretford Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) has taken action in response to complaints from residents about antisocial behaviour (ASB) and underage drinking.

    First Choice Convenience (at Lostock Circle) has closed after officers successfully objected to a transfer of premises licence at a hearing of the Trafford Council Licensing Sub-Committee on 16 November.

    The decision to reject the application was taken after the committee heard that the applicant had
    • Failed to keep closed circuit television recordings
    • Employed an illegal immigrant
    • Allowed sales of alcohol to underage customers

    The objection is the latest in a series of measures introduced by the Stretford NPT to reduce the number of incidents of ASB in the area. Over recent months, officers have increased patrols in hot spot areas and have worked with Trafford Council and housing trust organisations to secure asb orders and housing evictions for persistent offenders.

    Between 1 April and 22 November 2010, there have been 1646 incidents of ASB in Stretford and Old Trafford, 612 fewer than the corresponding period in 2009. This equates to a 27 per cent reduction.

    Read More

  • Lostock College Open Day

    Lostock CollegeJust had a great visit with Dave Acton to Lostock College. The facilities are excellent – really impressed with the creative arts, whether music or visual. The whole mood of the place has lifted. I sense great times ahead. It has the potential to be recognised as one of Trafford’s best schools.

    What a fantastic time to be starting school there. With numbers set to increase, now closure has been shelved, the scope for next year’s Y7s must be really exciting. All those tremendous facilities and no queues to get on them. Teachers who are really buzzing to take the school forward. I just think it’s brilliant.

  • Lighter Later – Coming home in winter daylight

    It’s an issue I’ve been passionate about for as long as I can remember. For no good reason every late October / early November we’re suddenly faced with the evening rush hour in the dark. The extra hour in bed for one Sunday morning in the year is never adequate compensation for the sheer desolation of those dark nights. Even wonderfully crisp winter days are over before the kids get out of school or workers exit from offices for the slow journey home. I hate it.

    But there’s hope! Conservative MP Rebecca Harris, backed by an assortment of Labour, Conservative and Green Party colleagues has got through the first reading of her private members bill requiring the Secretary of State to review the existing arrangements and to look at alternative options of either not putting the clock back in winter or putting the clocks forward throughout the year (winter and summer) giving an extra hour of daylight all the year round. I think I prefer a time that stays at British Summer Time all through the year i.e. the clocks don’t go back in winter. However I’m happy for all options to be assessed.

    To try to support the progress of this bill I’ve invited council colleagues from all parties to join me in writing to Mrs Harris to endorse her campaign to get the bill through its next stage in parliament.

    Update: I’ve added the latest the signatories to the letter