I love this video from the Kings Fund.
It’s informative rather than political but it illustrates the
complexity of the new structures that Lansley and Hunt have imposed on
us. And it does so in such an easy manner!
Highly recommended.
I love this video from the Kings Fund.
It’s informative rather than political but it illustrates the
complexity of the new structures that Lansley and Hunt have imposed on
us. And it does so in such an easy manner!
Highly recommended.
One of Gorgeous Gorse Hill’s unsung beauties
courtesy of Darren Lewis
No surprise that we feature so prominently in the league table.
I’m delighted that we’re recognised across Greater Manchester as a major centre of tourism. And of course Trafford Council is pleased too with the reflected glory. But is Trafford doing enough to make the best of our popularity as a destination of choice?
I believe there’s so much more it could do to really enhance our attractions.
Perhaps more importantly we’re seeing the emergence of a place changing community movement in and around the Gorse Hill neighbourhood using Facebook and other social media to reach out to like minded spirits, not content to wait for council bureaucracies to catch up with what is happening, but pursuing their ambition to turn the place into Gorgeous Gorse Hill.
I can not praise these people enough and I do urge residents who share this ambition to join both the M32 group and Gorse Hill Community Action Group on Facebook. Both groups exist beyond Facebook but Facebook remains the best platform and route in.
So yes we’ve done well. And let's celebrate but we can do more.
Mike Cordingley
The Labour Group has called for an extraordinary Council meeting in order to instruct officers toappeal against the decision to grant the Biomass incineration Plant made by the Conservative Secretary of State Eric Pickles.
Notes: The next scheduled Council Meeting is 10 July – too late for appeal. If Legal Officers accede to the request from the Labour Group the meeting would have to be June TBA
Regarding reported threat of closure – Advertiser 22/5/13
Open Letter from Councillors and MP on behalf of the three wards of Stretford regarding the reported threat of closure of Wilkos in Stretford Mall, Trafford, Manchester UK.
Speaking up for residents and the emerging community vibe. Addressed to the board of Wilkinsons.
Please join me and Love Your Bike in opposing new mega-trucks being allowed across europe.
Love Your Bike are an organisation attached to Friends of the Earth and supporting a safer, greener, bike friendly city here in Manchester. I recommend their website.
They’ve highlighted the potentially horrific introduction of articulated 80ft mega trucks across europe if proposals go ahead are urging everyone to write to their MEPs to work with them to oppose this move. Full story here.
Labour MEPs have already forcefully voiced their opposition to this introduction. I hope the MEPs of other parties will similarly respond but the clock is ticking.
Please visit the Love Your Bike website for full details of the email/letter they’d like you to write.
I have today written to Arlene McCarthy and Brian Simpson Labour MEPs for the north west to thank them for their support.
Here is my email:
Dear Brian,
I’ve been contacted by the Love Your Bike organisation about the proposal to allow trucks up to 80ft long and supported by the European Commission.
I notice from the Love Your Bike website that you have already stated your strong opposition to this change. I am therefore writing to thank you for that opposition and urge you to continue fight for safer modes of transporting goods.
As Love Your Bike have indicated, while the UK Government says it will not allow mega trucks to come to the UK it will be lobbied by the road haulage industry which has an insatiable appetite for bigger heavier lorries. In fact the UK Government buckled to pressure from the road haulage industry in 2012 by allowing 7 ft longer lorries on our roads which are already congested and not designed for vehicles of these proportions.
Even the European Commission’s own research showed that mega trucks are more dangerous than existing HGVs
Because of the double articulation needed for manoeuvrability in urban areas there is a serious loss of stability at cruising speeds which increases risk of snaking, for example changing lanes.
So once again thank you for your opposition and I note that so far, only yourself and your colleague Labour MEP, Arlene McCarthy have indicated their opposition to Love Your Bike.
Thank you for your unequivocal responses. It is much appreciated.
Mike Cordingley
Councillor for Gorse Hill Ward
Trafford Council
0161 865 9228www.gorsehill-labour.co.uk
Twitter: @MikeCordingleyFacebook Page: Gorse Hill Labour PartyFacebook Group: Gorse Hill Labour Party (Trafford) – open to all