Category: Blog

  • It’s not really about Alex Salmond is it?

    STV Flyer for the independence debate

    I caught bits of the Scottish Independence televised debate. It looked to me that Alistair Darling edged the contest.

    I like Alistair, he's a good labour man. He's an honest man and it's easy to see why he was chosen to lead the together campaign. I just happen to believe he's wrong. The whole focus of the debate seems to be about the first few months of an independent Scotland under the SNP. My problem is that this is one of those huge decisions that can't be judged over months or even a few years. I have absolutely no doubts that over time an independent Scotland can sort out any teething difficulties over currency or EU membership.

    What seems certain to me is that in one hundred years the quality of the decision will not be judged upon the inevitable uncertainty that will exist whichever way Scotland votes. We have almost come to terms with the fact that as a nation we'll often have periods of uncertainty whilst coalitions form yet Alistair was clearly making a period of uncertainty the absolute clincher in deciding that Scotland would have to remain ruled by London. Yes there would be days of the nation been swept along in a stormy sea but the prize being offered to an independent Scotland free from London rule is far too valuable and long lasting for it simply to be judged against a period of turbulence. It's almost a crime against future generations to allow it to be determined on a week of two of discomfort.

    My party supports the better together campaign. I think it's wrong.

  • Litter – What is it good for?

    The Select Committee responsible for looking at Councils has just launched an inquiry into litter.

    The promotional video below is looking at very similar aspects to the Panorama last year featuring Gorse Hill. There's a focus in the video on enforcement looking once again at the Braintree experience which has a zero tolerance regime. Trafford has opted for zero enforcement and it'll be interesting to see how the inquiry goes.

    How we can contribute to the inquiry

    Written submissions are invited from interested parties on:

    • What problems do litter and fly-tipping create for local communities-is the situation improving or deteriorating?
    • How effective are the actions of those responsible for managing waste in the local environment? What more should local councils, the Environment Agency, and Government funded bodies such as WRAP do?
    • Does the current statute, regulation and guidance set an effective framework to minimise litter and fly-tipping. What, if any, further changes are required?
    • What roles do and should the private citizen and campaign and action groups have in tackling litter?

    The Committee particularly welcomes any evidence from local authority scrutiny committees.


    The Committee welcomes photographs illustrating problems with litter and fly-tipping and also before and after photographs where areas have been successfully cleaned up. Please tweet your photographs to @commonsclg, using the hashtag #litterpix


    The Committee asks for written submissions in accordance with the guidelines below by 2.00pm on Thursday, 16 October 2014. As a guideline submissions should be no longer than 3,000 words. 

    Submissions should be uploaded onto the website in word format no later than the deadline.

    More Details on the parliamentary website


  • Trafford Council in £6m cock-up

    Subject: Trafford Council News Release: Trafford Council to bring forward additional in year savings

    Trafford Council  PR 3092    19/06/2014    [For Immediate Release]

    Trafford Council to bring forward additional in year savings

    Trafford Council is considering further measures to make sure it doesn’t exceed its budget in the current financial year.

    Following a review of its budget it was identified that the financial position it had been forecasting would be worse than expected.  The cost of caring for vulnerable people in the borough, particular the elderly and adults with a learning difficulty have increased considerably compared to previous assumptions.  In addition, demand is much higher than anticipated.

    Adult Social Care assumptions are made through a complex financial monitoring process which incorporates individual placement costs, existing service users who may leave the care system and new entrants.  Additional demand was not highlighted in the regular budget monitoring reports and was not incorporated into base assumptions when the budget for this year was set in February.

    As a consequence, despite allowing for an £2.1m increase in this service areas budget in 2014/15, the Council must now bring forward additional in year savings to ensure the authority remains in budget.

    Leader of the Council, Cllr Sean Anstee, said: “This change in our financial position is disappointing as we already face a difficult task of balancing our budget in 2015/16.  The additional costs arise from our duty to care for some of the most vulnerable people in the borough and we take our responsibilities seriously.  All expenditure is being legitimately incurred and social care is by far the largest area of spend within the Council, of which we have a statutory duty to support.

    I have asked for a detailed review into what happened and what lessons can be learned.

    The Council must now find ways of saving a considerable amount of money, in the order of up to £6 million, to stay within our set budget for 2014/15.  Options for doing this are currently being formulated and will be considered by Elected Members in the coming months."

    Trafford Council, Marketing and Communications Team, 0161 912 1256.

    Trafford, a value for money Council delivering excellent services for our customers. You can find out more about us by visiting

  • Tories compromise public safety? – Nothing new there, but this is serious!

    54 rapes in one year in London alone and the Tories with full support of the Lib Dems are encouraging more

    The coalition government are so hell-bent on de-regulation there comes a point when we need to take a stand. What on earth are we doing putting women at risk in this way?

    We know there are private hire drivers who shouldn't be in the role. Rather than tighten up the legislation, the Tories with the full co-operation of the Lib Dems seem so divorced from reality that they're set on a shocking course of actually encouraging more of it. It's appalling


  • Says it all

    What was there not to understand Maria?

  • Tumbleweed Quays

    Spotted this in the Quays Destination Management Plan

    Place making and shaping:

    There is a need for improved communication around balancing the positive contribution that visitors can make to the buzz and feel of the area without detracting from the fact that the MediaCityUK part of the Quays is first and foremost a business location.

    Doesn't exactly suggest that visitors are welcome. Certainly don't expect to be able to sit down and buy a cup of tea and a chip butty.