Category: Blog

  • Test Post

    The hosting for this site has changed and whilst I've been able to transfer the blog, there's a few irritating glitches which I'll work on when I have time. Meanwhile I've just utilised a standard theme to keep it going.

  • Think my spring clean of the blog is pretty much done. I’ve really struggled with getting it to present to older browsers. I’m throwing in the towel on that one. Even the council are upgrading.

  • Anger mounts – School Crossing Patrols

    Anger mounts – School Crossing Patrols

    Monday saw school crossing patrol protests taking place across Trafford. Including this one in Gorse Hill that Councillor Walsh and I attended. Nothing is more important than children’s safety. 

  • People need to understand power

    If people don’t wake up, they get left out. Disengagement means someone else takes the decisions. But who has the ideas? Why you do of course!

  • Rhyan Wilson

    Flowers left for Rhyan WilsonSuch sad news that we have lost a young man on a night out in Urmston that ended so violently and tragically.

    My thoughts go out to the family of Rhyan. I can only imagine the suffering they are going through now.

    The police are keeping the councillors updated as much they can. And hopefully their investigations can be concluded speedily.

    If anyone can help the police with information, please call the 101 number or crimestoppers on 0800 555 111