Category: Blog

  • Talbot Road – Greatstone Road Junction

    Talbot Road – Greatstone Road Junction

    This junction was raised as an issue last Autumn. Talbot Road is these days a busy arterial route into Manchester and at peak times it’s pretty busy.

    The road works much better with the improved cycling facilities but for pedestrians at Greatstone Road, there’s no accommodation made to allow safe crossing. The sequencing of the lights gives no time and it doesn’t matter how agile you are, you’re going to have to run. We’ve raised this and received the following reply. So some progress.

    We’ll keep pushing.

    Dear Councillor Cordingley

    Firstly, may I apologise for the lack of response to your e-mail of 6 November. I thought that I had picked it up but, clearly, did not.

    Following traffic surveys that were carried out in May 2015, work is now underway to prepare an improvement scheme for Great Stone Road, between A56 Chester Road and Talbot Road, before applying for the necessary funds from a Section 106 contribution.

    It is also proposed that the scheme include an upgrade for the traffic signals at the Great Stone Road/Talbot Road junction so as to improve facilities for pedestrians.

    In the meantime, I will contact TfGM’s traffic signal engineers to ascertain if there is a possibility of making minor amendments to the signal timings, with a view to introducing longer inter-greens between phases, thereby giving pedestrians a little more time to cross the arms of the junction where there are no pedestrian facilities.

    I trust this information is of assistance.


    By far the most promising element is the last paragraph. The light sequencing is the biggest problem. Technically, I’m sure it’s easy-peasy but it’s amazing how long these things take. We’ll keep pressing.

    Cllr Mike Cordingley
    Cllr Anne Duffield

  • Weekly Update Sunday 17th – Saturday 23rd January 2016

    Weekly Update Sunday 17th – Saturday 23rd January 2016


    Morning meeting in Leyland Lancs for Strategic Scrutiny Network setting agenda for next full meeting. Just up the road from Croston badly hit by floods – puts perspective on some of our issues.

    Locality Partnership in the evening. I got a lot of out of meeting and feeling energised.


    Meeting at Cricket Club re Youth activities with Laurence Walsh at lunchtime. Full Council meeting in the evening. My least favourite meeting of the month and this one was particularly bad.


    Scrutiny Task Group in the morning, Library Volunteering in the afternoon and Gorgeous Gorse Hill AGM in the evening. The Gorgeous Gorse Hill meeting was my highlight of the week. The inspiration for new things just keeps coming and their pinterest page is well worth looking at.


    Economic Growth meeting – Trafford is blessed with some really good officers in Economic Growth and it's always a pleasure to sit with them. I'd really like them to take more account of public transport, but I'm afraid that the Conservatives see this as something not for them. I've posted the following quote before, but it's worth repeating:

    An advanced city is not one where even the poor use cars, but rather one where even the rich use public transport.

    Enrique Peñalosa, Former Mayor of Bogata


    Two sessions of canvassing in Urmston. Reports of Labour's demise are somewhat premature.

  • Surface of Chatsworth Road – Call for Evidence

    Surface of Chatsworth Road – Call for Evidence

    Every year I submit Chatsworth Road in Lostock to the council's highways dept as my number one priority within the ward for resurfacing. The best I've achieved is some haphazard patching of occasional potholes there.

    It's a well used route. I've talked to councillors with residents who'll use it regularly, particularly in Davyhulme and Flixton. All have agreed that the road is the worse for wear. I've always had the suspicion though that cyclists see this road as in a lot more serious condition than 'worse for wear'. It's more  than an uncomfortable ride too.  The road is rutted throughout and the cyclist is forced off their natural course by regular fractures of the surface. This makes it quite dangerous in sharing the route with motor vehicles as the cyclist is forced to weave in and out.

    We've not really put in a concerted collective demand for the road to be resurfaced from cyclists and it's perhaps time we did. I've helped cyclists before, particularly with regard to Victoria Road in Hale; but that was for a cycling club. We don't seem to have a collective voice for cyclists from the Urmston side of Trafford. I've been approached by one cyclist who feels that he's going to have to change his route to avoid Chatsworth – I believe there's many more cyclists out there who 'require' this road to be resurfaced. My lonesome annual plea for this road to be top of the list has not worked. I'm therefore putting the call out for anyone who's had experience of an uncomfortable/dangerous riding experience along Chatsworth Road to 'tell' their story to the council, to make the case collectively with me.

    Tell me about your bike ride on Chatsworth Road in Lostock. Ideally use the comments below, so that it might encourage others to join in. If you absolutely prefer confidentiality then email me at

  • Weekly Update 13th December 2015

    Weekly Update 13th December 2015

    Sunday 13th December

    Last Opening of Gorse Hill Hotel. Attend meeting of residents concerned at the loss of a pub that's been a fixture through two world wars and 100 years of Gorse Hill. Very linked to Manchester United, it's seen bad times before, but it's owners Greene King have had enough and the pub has new owners/leaseholders.

    There are different rumours as to the plans for the pub. My number one priority is to ensure the building is protected. Until residents tell me otherwise I'm convinced that the building is an essential part of the Gorse Hill scene. Although we've got problems with some of the shops, particularly 'Fancy a Nibble', the Gorse Hill frontage remains a beautiful set of buildings and the pub is a vital piece in this jigsaw.

    Clearly those attending the meeting were very keen that a pub continues and we're going to explore options in that direction. Communication with the new owners is urgent. I have a lot of sympathy with the view that new owners and management could turn the pub into something much more welcoming and successful than has been the case in recent years.

    Coincidentally, I was also responding that day to a Local Government Ombudsman's complaint I'd been supporting about the Council's treatment of a pub in Trafford Park and its matchday customers car-parking. It's a subject I'll return to when the Ombudsman publishes their report.

    We don't have a huge number of pubs in our part of Stretford. The Melville has seen a lot of investment and it's vastly improved. The Sip Club on Barton Road is a welcome addition and very popular. Other than that, it's the Bishop's Blaize, Robin Hood, Quadrant or Gorse Hill; all quite large traditional pubs. If we're to lose the Gorse Hill it will leave a gap to be filled and I hope someone steps in.

    Monday 14th December

    Scrutiny meeting looking at educational inequalities. Trafford is rightly proud of its educational performance. It achieves a lot and with less money per pupil than other authorities. One area of concern is the gap in attainment between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils. This is particularly acute at age 16 and GCSE performance. For instance in 2014, in Trafford 79% of non-disadvantaged pupils achieved 5 good A-C passes, whilst among disadvantaged pupils (those receiving pupil premium) it was 44%, so the gap is greater than the national average. That said, whilst the gap is greater than the national average, the actual performance of disadvantaged pupils in Trafford is considerably better than average, 44%(Trafford) v 36%(national).

    So the aim of scrutiny is to look at lifting the performance of disadvantaged pupils even further whilst maintaining the high performance in Trafford. We've got some great head-teachers from the Stretford and Old Trafford area helping us. At the same time we learned that there are other schools who won't engage with Trafford at all – academies don't actually have to, but it's still disappointing when some of them take that stance.

    We did learn that the task for schools in identifying families potentially entitled to free school meals was difficult for them and that some local authorities made the task easier, Manchester was cited. Interestingly the very next day, Frank Field was introducing a private members bill to automatically register children for free school meals. He's got support from across the House of Commons for this bill and he's got Christopher Chope as a signatory. Christopher Chope is usually associated with fillibustering (talking out) private members bills, so if he's supporting this, it has must have some good will from the government benches. The relevance of this to our 'closing the gap' scrutiny is that better and more accurate free school meal entitlement information would provide more much needed pupil premium funding, but also more accurate data would simply make closing the gap more pertinent, as well as ensuring a decent hot meal. It may even be that under-registeration is distorting the current figures.

    Frank Field wrote this Guardian piece in connection with his bill


    Tuesday 15th December

    First day in weeks where I had no meetings to attend. Did some casework but no meetings; yippee!

    Wednesday 16th December

    Litter pick in Gorse Hill – This was only a short litter pick but it's amazing how much stuff is picked up and how well received people view it. I know not everyone feels residents should be doing this, but I'm convinced we should. We really want people to stop dropping so much litter.

    Thursday 17th December

    Library volunteering. The last before Christmas. Lostock College and the volunteers have achieved a huge amount in keeping the library open. We need more volunteers but to keep it open when Trafford withdrew is something to shout about. Made me read more too.

    LibrariesGuardian Article 19th December 2015 – To lose our libraries would be a national disaster – we must act to save them

    The fate of libraries nationally is in the news this week. I'm convinced that a mix of voluntary and publicly funded libraries has to be the way forward. The alternative is a minimal provision only providing to a lucky few in close proximity to a rare surviving library.

    Friday 18th December

    Meeting of Transport for Greater Manchester – Metrolink and Rail Committee

    We looked at performance over recent months. Badly hampered by flooding. Our line, the Manchester Oxford Road to Liverpoool Lime Street Line that runs through our ward with stations at Humphrey Park and Trafford Park in our ward is again one of the three worst performing routes in terms of punctuality and cancellations. Despite the franchises changing imminently and Arriva taking over, I predict it will remain one of the three worst routes. The big problem is that the line and particularly the stretch through Manchester is running beyond capacity. The Ordsall Chord when it finally is constructed will supposedly help.

    Saturday 19th December

    Son Joe is up from London. Family time.

    Have a Happy Christmas!

    Mike Cordingley
