Category: Blog

  • Agonising over Stretford’s Canalside Loss

    Agonising over Stretford’s Canalside Loss

    Despite welcoming some aspects of the overall plan, I am very disappointed with the specific Stretford Masterplan proposals for the canalside. I feel that in sacrificing the opportunity to develop the canalside into an attractive recreational setting, we’re undermining the economic stimulus provided by an influx of students.


    Canalside culture should be at the centre of Stretford’s revival

    Stretford has excellent transport connections to Manchester and elsewhere. It has hundreds of passengers alighting at the Stretford Metrolink stop everyday, emerging onto the bridge over the canal. Having a picturesque canal is usually by default an economic blessing in any regeneration. Think of Camden Lock, Birmingham, Sale.

    Canals normally make for attractive town centre settings.

    Our canalside is currently occupied by the Royal Mail sorting office, but given the extant plans already announced by the Royal Mail to move their operation, it’s created a once in a generation opportunity to bring the canal back into focus.


    And Trafford Council’s Masterplan?

    The Masterplan document feels unconvincing. Its trickledown approach takes for granted that an influx of 1700 or so students in purpose-built accommodation will shop here rather than Gorse Hill-Tesco or White City on the way home.

    Compare to Gateshead

    Gateshead is a council that has used student accommodation as one facet of a successful town centre regeneration on the site of an iconic multi-storey carpark. The scale of the Gateshead project is much bigger and included a brand new shopping centre with the student accommodation built on top of the Tesco’s Extra. That last aspect is perhaps significant. There’s nothing subtle in the Gateshead model, designing where the students will spend their money with the 24hr Tesco directly below the student accommodation.

    Positive Aspects of the Trafford Scheme?

    Edge Lane frontage

    “Edge Lane Shops – Possible Intervention. There are six commercial units on Edge Lane adjacent to the former Essoldo Cinema, five of these are currently vacant, with six apartments above. These units are in a single private ownership and are currently being marketed for sale. There are a further five shop units under separate ownership.

    It is proposed that both shop units will be redeveloped for either all student accommodation, or retail on the ground floor with accommodation above.

    I very much support the proposals for Edge Lane as described in the Refreshed Masterplan. Ideally, the attractive frontage should be retained. I would like to see something of similar scale and style on the facing side of Edge Lane.

    The Essoldo

    If The Essoldo comes into Trafford ownership, it will look better and may deliver on its community potential. I do agree with the masterplan that “There is a specific opportunity to bring the former Essoldo back into active use as part of the UA92 student campus”.

    I support the principle of the Essoldo being brought back into use. I hope that once purchased, it remains in council hands and that the local community is consulted before any commitments are entered into.



    My worry is that the student population will head to the tram, bus or taxi rather than spend their money here. The challenge for Stretford is not just about keeping its new student residents buying the odd bottle of milk here, but giving them enough facilities to want to invite friends over. The Essoldo could help, but I believe we will need much much more. Since this UA92 is a sports themed university, it just seems to make sense to use sport as a hook for Stretford. A leisure centre in Stretford should not have been so easily dismissed.

    I do agree a student population can feasibly stimulate a night time economy in particular, and make a town centre a culturally lively and more diverse place.

    However, Stretford would require significantly more social investment in supporting infrastructure than is promised in the masterplan for that stimulus to be realised.


    Lacy Street

    In addition to student accommodation it is proposed that there would be a mix of commercial spaces on the ground floor – for shops, cafés or restaurants – that would be accessible to all. There would also be a new public realm with access to the canal opened up.

    Stretford Town Centre FAQ
    Refreshed Masterplan

    This feels so half-hearted. I’m extremely underwhelmed. It absolutely is not opening up the canal, and I’m struggling to imagine any café/restaurant area on the plan. The ‘quad’ looks too enclosed and uninviting; making the viability of any restaurant or café less certain. It looks to me that there’d be practical problems to servicing any commercial activity in the quad too. How would deliveries be made? Disabled Access? Disabled Parking?

    We really need the public realm within the student accommodation to work. The ‘Quad’ area in the middle of the Lacy Street development reminds me of the area contained within the Hulme Crescents of the 1970s.

    Lacy Street Plan – November 2017
    Aerial shot of William Kent Crescent, Hulme, Manchester and its Public Realm

    A priority has to be in opening up the canal now there’s an opportunity to deliver it. This does not preclude student accommodation in Stretford, nor indeed on Lacy Street. Getting right a cafe/restaurant/village shopping quarter on the canalside, at ground level, makes adding the student accommodation to enhance the scheme so much easier rather than the other way round; and creates a symbiosis between the two.

  • UA92 Consultation 2nd November 2017

    UA92 Consultation 2nd November 2017

    My recollections of the discussions on one table about the Stretford Masterplan at Stretford public hall tonight.

    Our first topic on the table was active leisure.

    Worries over access for dog walking on turn moss. Flooding too and car parking.
    Access to pools and facilities at the new sports centre, competing with students.

    Overall disappointed that active life was not embedded into the masterplan. We’ve got the new sports centre and Turn Moss is getting new drainage; but there’s potential to build activity into every theme. There’s room for a new cycling & walking route alongside the metrolink where the old siding used to be between Stretford and the university site – where’s the imagination?

    Outdoor gyms in our parks? – why not be ambitious and give us back a town centre swimming pool in the student village?

    We could be much cleverer over the active offer.

    Next issue was the Essoldo.

    Some really good suggestions from the residents, for example rebalancing the closure of the Cornerhouse in Manchester with the Essoldo taking on a similar cultural role. Lots of worries and defensiveness against it being a Students Union. The council is not trusted. They are not believed when officers say it’s a genuine consultation and they don’t have a definite operation lined up for it. I do actually believe them over this particular issue, but I find it hard to blame residents for the mistrust.

    A56 corridor next

    …negative comparisons with Salford’s Chapel Street and Crescent where the city council has created a genuine public realm and brought the traffic speed down to a more civilised 20mph and effective safe crossing points throughout. Salford managed to avoid the Edge Lane public realm disaster by being a genuine attempt to create a living space for people and being less in thrall to the car driver.

    Less discussion about the green spaces on the A56 particularly around St Ann’s church because we were so unanimously opposed to losing either the spaces or the mature trees there.

    Finally the Lacy Street Students village.

    A lot of support for smaller scale and dissipation of student accommodation on other sites – B&Q as well as Itron. I was in a minority on this particular issue. I genuinely believe it has to be of scale in Stretford if it’s to deliver a sufficient boost to Stretford to provide any of the retail or indeed the night time offer we’ve been craving. Personally I don’t think we’re demanding enough in terms of design or facilities – I genuinely believe we should be asking the earth in terms of facilities in the town centre itself and that a swimming pool is not unreasonable. Altrincham will have one and anyway if you don’t ask, you don’t get. We should be asking for a lot more.

    I think my table judged the benefits of the large student campus as vague and uncertain and would rather not take the risk at that scale. I also don’t think we were yet convinced that the university would be successful as described when other universities were contracting. If that view is right, and it certainly has to be a possibility, then what is the contingency? None of the plans so far for the student accommodation show any sign of architectural merit and converting them to residential living is not easy. Just because it’s student accommodation should not mean it’s an ugly design. My instinct is that Trafford is not sufficiently demanding when it comes to attractive street design. Gary Neville in my view really commissioned an excellent design for Hotel Football, given the unpromising plot of land that it was built on. I want him to maintain that level of design in everything associated with this project and we need to see an improvement on what we’ve been shown so far.

    This are not official minutes but a personal impression of the discussions that went on my table.

  • Should we care about insects?

    Should we care about insects?

    It hardly made the news. Relegated to sixth item on Thursday’s 6am BBC news, not even mentioned on the preceding ‘Farming Today’. If it wasn’t for the Guardian putting it onto their frontpage, maybe the BBC wouldn’t have mentioned it at all.

    guardian frontpage

    The news that German Scientists had revealed a 75% reduction in flying insects since the 80s was greeted essentially with a shrug.

    I’m no scientist but I do know we need insects, that a 75% reduction is beyond serious; and that the most likely culprit is man. It therefore follows that we need to do something about it, …but probably won’t.

    The EU has been struggling to comprehensively ban neonicotinoids, against an alliance of Tory MEPs, German industrial giants – Bayer (largest manufacturers of neonicotinoids) and the industrial farming lobby.

    I’m proud that the Labour Party manifesto committed a future Labour Government to ban these filthy neonicotinoids. We need to go further though.

    Buglife, the conservation organisation committed to invertebrates, put together its own manifesto in 2014 and it still looks credible today.

    We do need a comprehensive strategy though and quick. I think the direction will have to come from the EU. The UK’s Tory Government is in a state of collective psychosis and the US has Donald Trump. Insects really matter.

  • Understanding University Academy 92 – The Campus

    Understanding University Academy 92 – The Campus

    Gary Neville’s University plans at core of a revised Stretford Masterplan

    What are the plans, what are the risks?

    The University itself

    Big launch, lots of photo-opportunities, noisy videos, but what do we really know of the plans?

    ..and what is the UA92 vision actually about?

    Universities have traditionally placed academic learning at the core of the curriculum, supported by character development for the world of work. By comparison, UA92 will deliver a curriculum with employability and character development at the core wrapped around by academic development.

    There’s lots of talk of character and striving and success and goals, but beyond buzz words we still know very little about the university itself. We know that Lancaster University (University of the Year 2017!) are backing the project and they intend to give more information in the new year about the curriculum.

    There could be up to 7000 students enrolled ultimately at the campus, but there’s also a lot of talk of paid placements. It would be helpful to understand the nature of these placements, whether they’re local placements or whether they’re global; and the interaction with the University whilst on those placements.

    Not really a planning consideration, but in terms of understanding the economic regeneration and sustainability of all this, I want to get a better idea of how many students will need to be housed locally, where they’re from, and what their spending power is.

    There will be opportunities for local businesses, for voluntary sector, for existing educational institutions. I really want to learn more.

    The Talbot Road Campus itself

    Trafford Council have already purchased the site. Currently, it’s the Kelloggs HQ but Kelloggs are moving to Media City. It’s a big and valuable site. My understanding is that Trafford will be the landlords and are already committed to refurbishing the building. There’ll be a new sports centre/swimming pool built on site (top right of map) to replace Stretford Sports Centre.

    This sports centre probably deserves its own article; users are understandably worried about provision at the new centre, will it be more difficult to book a court? Will the university be making block bookings and residents picking up what’s left? It is some reassurance that Trafford Leisure will be operating the centre, but I want to be certain that this will meet the community’s need. I’m trying to get a consultation event organised at Stretford Sports Centre dedicated to the transfer of sports provision to the new site.

    My Questions

    • What is Trafford Council’s exposure to risk on the refurbishment of the Kelloggs building?
    • As landlord of the Kelloggs building, what is our exposure to ongoing financial committment?
    • What happens if the University fails? Implications for Trafford Council and Leisure Trust?
    • How does the proposed hotel and 150 apartments proposed for the UA92 campus site fit in with the university – are these serious proposals or just something marking time until further announcements
    • The new Stretford Masterplan identifies 84 Talbot Road for development but no other sites beyond the K site, why is this when there seems a number of sites further down Talbot Road ripe for development including the old bowling green etc?
    • What guarantees have residents that the new sport centre will be able to cope with the increased demand generated by improved and new facilities as well as the increased student population on site?
    • How will the Leisure Trust consult users about what needs to go in the new centre?
    • University Campuses are usually 24hr operations – to what extent will this apply at UA92?
    • What arrangements are being considered for cycling and walking routes from Stretford to the campus?
    • Gorse Hill already suffers notable neglect from some private landlords, will you now introduce a landlord licensing scheme, such as has proved so successful in Newham and other boroughs?
    • What’s the intention for the current sports centre site?
  • A light shines on Private Landlords and their Tax Dodges (sadly in London!)

    A light shines on Private Landlords and their Tax Dodges (sadly in London!)

    Up to 13,000 landlords in one east London borough have failed to declare their rental income to the Government, the local council has found.

    Local Gov News 14th August 2017

    We only know this because Newham has a compulsory landlord registration scheme. In Trafford there is no landlord registration scheme. We don’t know who they are and there is no desire from the Tories to do anything about it.

    We already suffer enough blights from the private landlords and their lack of care. The fact that it seems likely there’s as little attention to their tax affairs as there is to the neighbourhoods in which they operate is another reason we need a Labour council to get on top of this.

  • Greater Manchester Mayor – Andy Burnham 100 days

    Greater Manchester Mayor – Andy Burnham 100 days

    Jen Williams is continually showing that great journalism doesn’t have to be London based. It’s worth reading the linked article from the Manchester Evening News.

    On the mayor, I haven’t changed my view. Only someone of the stature of Andy Burnham has a chance of making it work. But it’s still going to be difficult.

    There are hurdles to surmount. There’s no doubt about that.

    The Tory Government has lost its will to do anything much at all collectively and is showing all the signs of being totally dysfunctional – it should be in special measures. And that makes the devolution agenda far harder.

    The council leaders across Greater Manchester (with two perhaps 3 exceptions*) are incredibly secure in their positions. I’m sure that fact creates its own dynamic.

    * I’m less concerned that a council is predominantly ruled by one party, that’s just electoral geography. It’s reasonable to ask though how the parties select and sustain their leader over the decades. There’s an argument that only Salford has a transparent process with its City Mayor. I just float that mischievous thought…. Discuss