Call in of Executive Decision on Closure of Lostock College/Stretford High School

Dear Councillor / Colleague –

Please note that Councillor Shaw, as Chairman of Overview & Scrutiny Core Committee, has agreed to a request that the Executive’s recent decision relating to Lostock College / Stretford High School / Proposed Academy should be called in for Scrutiny, by the Overview & Scrutiny Core Committee.

As is usual in these cases, with arrangements needing to be made at short notice, the times available for a meeting are exceedingly constrained; in the event, the only time that certain key parties are available is next Monday evening, 19/7/10. The meeting will therefore take place on Monday evening, commencing at 7.00 p.m., in Rooms 2&3 at Trafford Town Hall. I would be very grateful if you could note these arrangements in your diaries; it would also be very helpful if you could indicate if you are intending to attend.

The Chairman has indicated that Members of the O&S Education Sub-Committee are also welcome to attend this meeting of the O&S Core Committee, should they wish to do so. At the discretion of the Chairman, they may also be able to ask questions and give their views.

A formal agenda and papers for the meeting will be issued tomorrow. In the interim, I am attaching for your information the completed call-in proforma.

Thanks & regards –

Trafford Council
Room 125, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Road, Stretford M32 0TH
Call in Document


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