Canal27ways: it’s about politics and place
Read more: Agent18th April 11am – Anne Duffield calls me “Have you seen the news? Theresa is going for the 8th June!” “Oh ****!” We’re already campaigning hard for Andy Burnham for Mayor and over in Altrincham for a council by-election. The polls are abysmal; and worse… I’m on record as wanting an early General Election. I’ve…
Everything is Fine at Trafford Council!
Read more: Everything is Fine at Trafford Council!Things are getting really bad in Trafford! The honest assessment as I see it is that Trafford is almost at breaking point. You've seen the figures that show delayed discharges from hospital put Trafford in the bottom two of the league table for the whole country. Those are real figures, not some tame consultancy's award.…
Read more: untitled post 1886
Poisonous to say; but I thought Tony Blair was pretty good on 'Marr' this morning.
Flixton Fields Council Meeting – Don’t let them tell you it’s about houses
Read more: Flixton Fields Council Meeting – Don’t let them tell you it’s about housesOn 21st December, Trafford Labour’s Council Meeting we’d called to oppose fields in Flixton being designated for development. It was a vital meeting. The submission by Trafford of these fields at Flixton for inclusion within the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework has not been adequately explained. Residents are outraged that something so intrinsically part of Flixton…
Councillor’s Diary – Week Commencing 12th December
Read more: Councillor’s Diary – Week Commencing 12th DecemberMonday Last of the exam support sessions I'd volunteered for. Thoroughly rewarding. Meeting in the afternoon on an Over 50s Worklessness Pilot we're scoping for Gorse Hill. It's a Greater Manchester initiative and we've been chosen for Trafford. I'd be hugely interested in hearing resident's experiences of jobseeking, returning to employment or access to training…
Councillor’s Diary – Week Commencing 5th December
Read more: Councillor’s Diary – Week Commencing 5th DecemberMonday Start day at Lostock College being a ‘reader’ for a pupil on a maths paper. Surprisingly intense, you’re so keen that you don’t confuse or get in the way. Emotionally rewarding though, very much rooting for the pupil. Tea-time meeting with Trafford officers looking at the shaping of Trafford in the next few years.…
Anything you think I should be looking at?
I don’t think you can compare privatisation with the Amey contract which is outsourcing. From memory some golden rules of…
I’m probably stretching the semantics calling it privatisation, but wanted to stress the extent to which management of important and…