Today is the closing date for representations on the permission to operate. This is a separate process to the planning permission.
I have emailed the following representation to;
Dear Sir,
I write with reference to the above permit application submitted to you, regarding the development of the Barton Renewable Energy Plant by Peel Energy. I wish to object to the environmental permit application for the following reasons:
I believe that such a contentious plant requires a thorough and comprehensive Health Impact Assessment. It is recognised that the site borders an Air Quality Management Area at the M60 with already high levels of NOX and particulates. Additionally there are worryingly high concentrations of respiratory health problems downwind of the site. See
Residents need assurance that the existing health problems will not be exacerbated and I do not believe we can have that assurance without the thorough assessment.
The concerns about this plant are real and widespread. I believe that the submission is insufficient to address those concerns at without a Health Impact Assessment, and residents are going to feel that the permission process has been a sham.
We need to believe that the health implications have been thoroughly assessed down to street level. Too much of the application as it stands considers the emissions as in a vacuum when our air is already polluted and we need to understand how even a small further deterioration will impact on health of residents.
Please acknowledge receipt of this email.
Yours faithfully,
Mike Cordingley
Councillor for Gorse Hill
0161 865 9228
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