Author: Mike Cordingley

  • Embracing our shops

    Embracing our shops

    Local shops define neighbourhoods. Let’s make more of their contribution.

  • Covid is not done with us yet

    Covid is not done with us yet

    Locally, the number of Covid infections has gone through the roof. We need to get those vaccinations going before ‘freedom day’.

  • June Update (Planning) Surfing on its way

    June Update (Planning) Surfing on its way

    Cricket Ground – new Red Rose stand incorporating hotel The Red Rose development at Lancashire Cricket Club was allowed at planning committee. Essentially this is reduced size hotel compared to a previous application. I’m not exactly bowled over by the plan. I’m quite proud of Old Trafford cricket ground and this does not seem up…

  • Covid-19 Vaccination Progress

    Covid-19 Vaccination Progress

    This has been a big issue for me. To be honest, I’ve ruffled a few feathers and got a ticking off at this month’s Labour group meeting, but hey-ho. In the wealthy belt across the south of the borough the GPs seem to have worked through the cohorts at breakneck speed, way ahead of the…

  • Spring is the air – Councillor update

    Spring is the air – Councillor update

    A focus on litter and having a natter Days are getting longer and there’s a more upbeat feel to everything. We’ve had a couple of dry weekends and it’s great that so many are taking the opportunity to get outside. I’ve been out delivering party leaflets the last couple of Saturdays and I’ve made a…

  • Winter Update

    Winter Update

    My update on some of the issues coming across my desk. And some personal news