Author: Mike Cordingley

  • Scrutiny under the microscope

    Scrutiny under the microscope

    Big Agenda for Last Executive Meeting before Election Scrutiny looking to improve its Outcomes When the Cabinet System was adopted by Trafford, there was a clear expectation that Scrutiny would be an influential and effective means of holding the Executive Members of Cabinet to account for the important decisions whilst allowing the routine day to…

  • Hotels coming and going, excitement over Old Trafford and Stretford moving forward.

    Hotels coming and going, excitement over Old Trafford and Stretford moving forward.

    A busy time for planning applications, both new applications and older ones being resolved: Trafford Park Hotel This is a new application for the Hotel which is oldest heritage asset in Trafford Park. It’s been allowed to deteriorate for some time though in recent years attempts have been made by what has been a procession…

  • New Site

    With my imminent departure as councillor, I had to decide what to do with the website. It was really a choice of wipe it, or save it under a name that didn’t get in the way of the new team after the election. As I’ve put a lot of work into the website over the…

  • Stretford Library move gets approval from  Trafford’s leadership

    Stretford Library move gets approval from Trafford’s leadership

    In what seems to have been a very rushed process, the council’s Executive voted tonight for Stretford Library to vacate its home for the past 80 years to allow Trafford Music Service to take over the building. It’s just over a week since the report was first published to almost no fanfare. Whilst the speed…

  • Putting Children back to first priority

    Putting Children back to first priority

    I am really pleased that Andy Western – leader of Trafford Council has made the comments I’m sharing below. It’s something I’ve been uncomfortable with since the outset of the first lockdown. I was never happy that schools were shut down. With hindsight, I can see we needed a pause to get on top of…

  • Happy New Year to you all

    Happy New Year to you all

    A few predictions for this time of year seems to be the tradition. I’m optimistic. Covid I think we’re going to have a difficult few weeks with covid but spring is going to look so much better for those who keep up their vaccination. It will never go away but we’ll find it far more…